Detoxing: A Global Practice with a Long History

A detox cleanse is intended to rid the body of toxins that build up in a person’s system over time. These toxins may come from the food we eat or the environment, but regardless of their point of origin the goal of the detox cleanse is to create conditions that enable your body to purge them.

Opinions are split on the efficacy of detoxification. There are many who believe them to be indispensable to overall health, and there are some convinced the modern detox industry is nothing more than a scam to entice the gullible to buy things they don’t need.

But here’s the thing: there is nothing “modern” about the detox cleanse. It is a practice that has been with us, not for decades, but for millenia. The ancient Chinese, Indians, and Native Americans all practiced some form of detoxification rituals thousands of years ago.

In an effort to provide some context for the current detoxification movement let’s take a closer look at the history of the detox.

The Checkered History of the Detox

The problem with researching the history of the detox is that, thanks to the internet, there are now thousands of websites that make fantastical claims about that history without providing much of anything by way of proof. So we are going to restrict ourselves only to those claims or events that are reasonably credible. That said, let’s get started.

Detoxing in Ancient Egypt

While pharaonic Egypt left us monuments that boggle the mind their impact on subsequent cultures is almost zero. With one exception. Evidence suggest it was the ancient Egyptians who invented the enema (1) and used it regularly to cleanse their bodies of toxins, which they believed entered the body via the food they ate. A point of view shared by many people today.

Detoxing in Ancient China

So much of current “alternative” medicine originated in China that it would be a shock if detoxing didn’t have deep roots there too. And that certainly seems to be the case. The Chinese approach to detoxing though goes well beyond simply waiting until all the booze has left a person’s system and extends to purging the body of bad energy as well.

Two ways Chinese healers have traditionally used to achieve this goal are acupuncture (2) and what is called “cupping”. Acupuncture is well known, even in the West, and is no doubt effective in certain circumstances as an anesthesia and in helping to relieve pain. Whether it does so by purging negative energy is an entirely different matter and one that cannot be quantified.

Cupping is also touted as an effective method for exhuming toxins and ridding the body of negative energy. Unlike acupuncture, however, there is almost no evidence to back up any claims of its effectiveness. Even the Chinese medical establishment, (which understandably often promotes aspects of traditional Chinese medicine) acknowledges there is not enough evidence to prove cupping provides any benefit (3).

Detoxing in Ancient India

Ayurvedic medicine (4) dates back to at least 200 BC and, like its Chinese counterpart, was and is heavily invested in the idea of purging the body of toxins. Ayurvedic medicine relies on what is called the “five actions” or “pancha karma” to cleanse the body.

These “actions” include laxatives to promote bowel movements, vomiting to eliminate poisons in the GI tract, enemas to remove toxins from the colon, dripping oils in the nose to cleanse and clear the sinuses, and the long-discredited practice of blood letting (5).

Native American Detoxing

Detoxing rituals have long been part of Native American culture. Thousands of years ago Native Americans were among the first to incorporate fasting into their culture as a way to cleanse their systems. A practice that is at the heart of many a detox cleanse routine today.

They also relied (and to a certain extent continue to rely) on a process called “smudging” (6) that entails the burning of specific herbs which they believe will cleanse the air of negativity, thereby lifting the spirit and improving people’s mood.

The Native Americans were also well ahead of the curve in their use of so-called “sweat lodges”, which were essentially an early form of sauna (7). They believed, as do many people today, that sweating profusely was an effective way to purge impurities from the system.

Alcohol and Chemical Detox: The Same Thing?

Beside the historical precedents for detoxing it seems a lot of people looked at the success of alcohol and drug detoxes and concluded “If they can do it with alcohol, why can’t I do it with food and environmental toxins?”

On the surface that might seem a logical conclusion. However, detoxing from alcohol and removing toxins like mercury that may be absorbed from fish consumption are two fundamentally different things.

Besides providing supervision and medications that can help make withdrawal easier not much really happens at an alcohol detox. The affected person is simply given a safe place to stay and food to eat (along with the aforementioned medications) while the alcohol works its way out of their system.

In most cases it only takes a few days to metabolize alcohol and clear it from the body. Mercury on the other hand, has a half life of 30-60 days (8) in the body, meaning a detox cleanse a few days in duration won’t do much. The half life of mercury that reaches the brain is thought to be as long as 20 years. Meaning, in effect, that it cannot be purged during the average lifetime.

The Bottom Line

The detox has been with us since the dawn of civilization and has no doubt helped countless people achieve a higher degree of overall health. The effectiveness of a detox cleanse however, depends almost entirely on what it is the person is trying to clear from their system.

Remember, your body has its own built in detox system that has evolved over millions of years and includes your kidneys, liver, lungs and immune system. It works pretty good. Fasting, juice cleanses and other methods may help you feel more lively and alert, especially after a period where you haven’t been eating particularly well, but they are not likely to purge your system of heavy metals or other dangerous toxins.



What Vitamins Should Men be Taking at Different Points in Their Life?

Men have different nutritional needs than women and those nutritional needs change as they age. The right multivitamin for a 25 year old man is not the same as the right multivitamin for a 65 year old man.

Of course, the best way to get the nutrients you need at every stage of life is to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, thereby negating the need for supplements. But most of us are constrained by time and other factors and forced to prioritize, in which case we opt for the quickest, most convenient way to fill our stomachs and move on.

That’s where multivitamins come in. While scientists debate the benefits of multivitamins for otherwise healthy individuals, there is plenty of proof that vitamin supplements can make up for nutrient shortfalls (1). Therefore, taking a multi every day, especially if your diet is less than perfect, is always a good idea.

The Right Multivitamins for Men in their 30s and 40s

The average American male has it within their grasp to eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, most do not. This trend away from healthy eating starts in childhood (2) and by the time they are in their 30s many men are facing the side effects of nutrient shortfalls. Because of this, men in their 30s and 40s should consider taking a daily supplement that contains the following vitamins and minerals.

  • Vitamin A – As we age our vision begins to suffer (3). This is true for both men and women. Vitamin A is important for maintaining eye health and also plays a role in supporting immune system function.
  • Vitamins B6 and B12 – These vitamins support nervous system function, brain health, and the ability of your body to convert food into energy. Both B6 and B12 are also involved in red blood cell production. Many types of fast food lack these important vitamins.
  • Vitamin C – Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that helps fight the scourge of free radicals (4). Vitamin C also plays an important role in supporting the immune system and helping the body absorb iron.
  • Vitamin D – Bone loss and poor bone health are major contributors to devastating fractures experienced by so many older men. But that poor bone health doesn’t suddenly begin when we turn 60 or 70. The process starts much earlier in life (5)(6). One way to prevent bone loss from gaining momentum is to start taking vitamin D in your 30s.
  • Calcium – Men need calcium as well as vitamin D in order to maintain healthy bones as they age. But those thinking they’ll get their calcium and vitamin D from fast food should think again. Calcium is typically found in green leafy vegetables, milk, soy and some types of fish. Not pizza, fast food burgers or potato chips.
  • Magnesium – Magnesium is one of the most important nutrients in the human body. It plays a central role in more than 300 biochemical processes. Magnesium deficiency is widespread (7) and can lead to problems with the nervous system, muscle functions, energy levels and more.

The bottom line is that many of the conditions that affect older men have their roots in nutrient deficiencies from their 30s and 40s. The multivitamin you take at that age then should be aimed at filling those potential nutrient gaps in order to prevent small problems that might later blossom into big ones.

The Right Multivitamins for Men in their 50s and older

Men often reach their 50s and beyond having spent decades eating a less than perfect diet. As a result they wind up suffering from various nutrient deficiencies they may not even be aware of. Those nutrient deficiencies may also be causing or contributing to various health problems.

Different older men will have different nutritional needs, but as a general rule men over 50 years of age should be taking a multivitamin/multimineral that contains all of the above listed nutrients (vitamins A, B, C, D, calcium and magnesium), plus as many of the following as possible:

  • ZincZinc is one of the most important nutrients for older men. For instance, zinc deficiency is one of the trademark characteristics of men with prostate cancer (8). Zinc also plays a critical role in maintaining testosterone levels, immune function, wound healing and more.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids – Omega-3 fatty acids (9) play an important role in supporting eye, brain and heart health, all of which are crucial as men get older. These important nutrients, however, are not easy to come by as they are most often found in fatty fish such as salmon and sardines. If you’re not getting a lot of fish in your diet your multivitamin/multimineral supplement should include omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Hyaluronic acid – A lot of things begin to break down as we age, with skin being perhaps the most noticeable. Skin loses its ability to retain moisture as we age and one reason (though not the only one) is a lack of hyaluronic acid (10). This obscure molecule has a unique ability to retain water, which is crucial for healthy skin. Taking supplemental hyaluronic acid can help counter skin degradation.
  • Flavonoids – You won’t find flavonoids in many multivitamins but you should consider taking them anyway as a separate supplement. Flavonoids are phytonutrients (11)(12) commonly found in fresh fruit and veggies that have robust anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capabilities. Both of those are crucial in helping to stave off heart disease and other chronic conditions that afflict the elderly.

The Bottom Line

Many of the health problems men experience in old age have their roots in the dietary choices they make when they are in their 20s, 30s and 40s. One way to combat these poor dietary choices is to start taking a multivitamin/multimineral early on to fill nutrient gaps and prevent small problems that could later grow into serious ones. But make no mistake, while multivitamins may help counteract bad food choices, the best approach is to simply eat better.



Healthy Dinner Ideas Shared By 25 Food Bloggers

You love cooking for your family but lately, you’ve been running out of healthy dinner ideas? Unfortunately, this happens more often than we would like to admit. Many people are too tired in the evening to have any more energy to cook so they choose to eat junk food. But as the name says “junk food” or “fast food” has many negative effects on your health and on the way you look.

Despite what you may think there are tons of dishes that you can prepare that are nutritious and don’t require a lot of time and effort. To help you with this challenge we reached out to 25 food bloggers and asked them the following question:

What are your favorite easy healthy dinner ideas?

We received some amazing recipes that you can read in the post below. Enjoy!

Melissa Eboli – Via Melissa

Melissa Eboli

As a nutritional chef, I have a lot of favorite easy and healthy dinner ideas. One that comes to mind is a basil-turkey stir fry. It takes less than 10 minutes to prepare, and then quickly and then it easily cooks on the stovetop in 15-20 minutes. It can be served over rice, quinoa or cooked with cauliflower rice for an even lighter version.

Another super easy dinner idea is salmon w/ asparagus. You can prep them in under 5 minutes, and then bake them simultaneously in the oven for 10-12 minutes.

One additional suggestion I will give is a plant-based dinner idea, jackfruit stew with chipotle aoli. This dish also takes less than 10 minutes to prepare and cooks on the stovetop in 15 minutes. The one great thing about all items I mentioned above is that you can always have the ingredients on hand to make them in your pantry or freezer.

If you’d like the recipe for these or very similar dishes, please check out my cookbook Let’s Dine In: Healthy Recipes & Tips To Minimize Your Shopping Trips on my website or Amazon.

Jim Mumford – Jim Cooks Food Good

Jim Mumford
My favorite easy, healthy, and comforting dinner ideas must have these things to be as amazing as possible; minimal effort, maximum versatility and is interesting.

To me, an easy meal is one that doesn’t take a lot of effort or ingredients. Sure, chopping veggies or rolling out dough isn’t *hard*, but it can be taxing, especially if you’re trying to also parent! So, a recipe like my Pizza Soup, which uses the blender as a time-saver, is a great weeknight meal.

Versatility is also crucial to an easy healthy meal. We’ve all been there; an ingredient goes bad, you’re out of something, etc. Having a recipe that can give and take with ingredients is a must for weeknight success. Consider my Pork Bibimbap, which can accept a wide array of ingredients and toppings! This is also super important if you need to cook with dietary restrictions in mind!

Finally, your weeknight winning meal needs to taste amazing and be interesting! Fun, interesting meals keep you going back for more, and make dinner fun. A tip would be to mash up foods to make something new and exciting, like my General Tso’s Tacos!

So, in conclusion, my favorite weeknight meals are easy to make, versatile to meet all demands, and are fun and interesting to make!

Katy Malkin – Learner Vegan

Katy Malkin

My absolute favourite easy dinner is loaded with baked sweet potato. Sweet potatoes are so nutritious, packed with fibre, and easy on digestion too! Plus, did you know that they stabilise your blood sugar levels, and keep you full for longer?

I choose the biggest one I can find and bake it for around 30 mins. I often have it with chickpea ‘tuna’ for a real protein-packed meal. Simply put, that’s a tin of chickpeas drained and rinsed. You roughly mash them with the back of a fork and mix in garlic, nori, vinegar, and houmous. You could also add salt, mayo, or sweetcorn to taste.

After that, I just add a side salad or steamed veggies. Perfect!

The best thing about this meal is that you can switch it up so easily by changing the toppings. It never gets boring! I love a sweet potato with bean chili, tarka dahl, roasted chickpeas, and scrambled tofu. You can batch make all of these in advance, too.

Top tip: if health is your goal, switch out the butter in your jacket potato for a smear of houmous.

Niki Campbell – The Flourish Group

Niki Campbell

I often tell my clients to start with their family favorites and then look for ways to upgrade the health quotient.

For example, a favorite recipe might be a rigatoni casserole with ground beef sauce and lots of mozzarella cheese on top.

Take that recipe, upgrade to a high fiber noodle like whole wheat pasta or a high protein pasta like lentil or chickpea. Then, use a leaner ground beef or ground turkey, and cut the cheese in half. Still get the same flavors and comfort with less fat and more fiber.

Another one is sheet pan recipes. These are protein and veggie-focused with some starch mixed in. Start with a healthy protein and surround it with your choice of potato or starchy veg like carrots and then add something green that roasts well – Brussels, broccoli, asparagus.

Luke Jones – Hero Movement

Luke Jones

I like eating and I enjoy cooking, but like most people, I’m not always a fan of spending hours in the kitchen prepping meals or deliberating over what I’m going to have for dinner. So if in doubt, I typically refer back to a tried and tested formula:

Half a plateful of veggies: typically some roasted veg, greens, salad, or a mixture of all the above.

A few handfuls of a protein-dense food: tofu or tempeh is our go-to, but we’ll also sometimes include good quality fish and occasional meat.

A carb-dense food: often buckwheat, quinoa, rice or potatoes – typically a cupped handful if I’ve not been super active, but 2-3 if I’ve been training.

A fat-dense food: olive oil, nuts, seeds, or avocado, varying from 1-3 thumb-sized portions depending on activity levels.

Condiments and sauces: hot sauce and light mayo are the go-to if we’re after something quick, or we’ll make a homemade curry, stir-fry or traybake if we have more time on our hands.

Alina Z

Alina Z

My latest creation and obsession recipe is this Truffle Pasta:

  • 1 package of ground Beyond Meat
  • 1 package of gluten-free fresh pasta by Taste Republic (or try Mung Bean pasta by 365 Brand for extra protein)
  • 1 bag of mushrooms medley from Trader Joes
  • Follow Your Heart Provolone dairy-free cheese
  • Follow Your Heart Parmesan dairy-free cheese
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Sabatino Truffle Zest

Saute ground Beyond Meat beef in a pan while cooking the pasta (this fresh kind only takes 2-3 mins), then add mushrooms and let them defrost and heat up in a pan. Cover with Provolone, then add cooked pasta and truffle zest. Mix all together.

Serve in a bowl sprinkled with parmesan and olive oil. It’s sooo good!

3 MINUTE Chili



Ingredients: ⁣
1 Bag of Beyond Meat beefy crumbles⁣
1 12-Ounce jar your favorite salsa⁣
1 10-Ounce box of unflavored kidney beans ½ Cup Daiya cheddar cheese⁣

⁣Combine beans, salsa and beefy crumbles together in pan and sauté for 3 minutes.⁣

Drizzle with Daiya cheese, cover for 1 minute to melt the cheese, then serve.⁣

Alex Johnson – Med Munch

Alex Johnson

Curries are perfect healthy dinners you can whip up quickly when you’re struggling for time. They allow so much variety, allowing you can easily get your veggies into your diet or add some lean meat in for extra protein.

Some of my favorite types of curry include veggie chickpea curries for when I’m on a health drive and sweet potato and lentil curries, which are perfect for those lazy evenings when you want to throw in some extra carbs without overindulging.

Chicken curries are excellent for when you need to lose weight, keeping protein levels high and calories low without making you feel dissatisfied after.

Eggplant or aubergine is also a great alternative to base your curries around. No matter what you go with, you can often cook them within 30 minutes.

Simply serve with a healthy carb like whole grain rice and you’ve got yourself an easy evening dinner you don’t need to feel guilty about.

Gita Kshatriya – Warrior In The Kitchen


My idea of easy and healthy dinner ideas consists of including plant-forward ingredients that are packed with flavors and can be made in minimal time and with minimal mess!

I typically make a batch of quinoa and/or brown rice that I can use throughout the week. I pair that with vegetables and seasonings to create flavors from various cuisines around the world.

To make an Indian meal, you can combine the batch-cooked quinoa or brown rice with vegetables like broccoli, onions, and zucchini in tempered oil with whole spices like whole cumin seeds, mustard seeds, and whole dry chili peppers and ground spices like turmeric, ground cumin, and red chili powder.

To make a Mediterranean meal, you can combine the batch-cooked quinoa or brown rice with sauteed vegetables like cauliflower, zucchini, and eggplant. You can add a simple lemon juice, salt, and black pepper dressing, and top with olives, red onions, and feta cheese.

Those are just a couple of examples of how you can take batch-cooked quinoa and brown rice to a whole new level with each weeknight meal you prepare. Batch-cooked quinoa and brown rice provide simplicity, versatility, and variety when creating healthy weeknight meals.

Lisa Goodwin – 2 Share My Joy

Lisa Goodwin

You can save so much time and money while also eating much healthier if you choose to cook your own dinner at home. The best way I stay motivated to cook my own dinners is by choosing recipes that take 20 minutes or less and have easy ingredients.

One of my go-to dinner meals is this 20-Minute Black Bean Quinoa Chili. It is also oil-free, gluten-free, and vegan. One serving contains 450 calories and over 22 g of protein. The beans and the quinoa give this meal a high protein and fiber content which keeps you full for a long time. I love to top this meal with avocado as it adds a source of healthy fat.

During the summer, I enjoy making Italian Asparagus Spinach Gnocchi that also takes only 20 minutes to prepare. This light meal is packed with healthy greens like asparagus, spinach, and peas. I add chickpeas as my lean protein source

Another great way to add more vitamins to a meal is by blending your vegetables into a sauce. In this One Pot Creamy Coconut Potato Curry I blend bell peppers with coconut milk to make a creamy stew. This meal also contains potatoes, chickpeas, and spinach.

You can make it in an instant pot for a super quick and healthy dinner. One serving contains more than your daily need in vitamin C, which makes it a great immunity booster.

Jenny Zhang – Organically Blissful

Jenny Zhang

When I have limited time to spare but want to whip up a delicious and healthy meal for my family, I like to turn Vitamix, Instant Pot, or air fryer for help. With a Vitamix, you can whip up a delicious meal in minutes.

Some of my favorite recipe to make from Vitamix includes hummus, squash soup, and even curry. With an instant pot, you can put your favorite ingredients in, and within an hour, you will have a delicious and healthy meal that is ready to be served while it feels like you spend hours on making it.

Some of my favorite meals to make in an instant pot includes chicken noodle soup, risotto, and fajita.

And lastly, with an air fryer, you can make your favorite comfort fried food healthier. Creating crispy food through circulating hot air, you can save fewer calories and contains less fat—all without sacrificing the taste.

Some of my favorite air fryer meals include chicken tenders, falafel, and salmon.

Sarah Cull – Life In Full Flavour

Sarah Cull

Whenever I’m feeling that I need a boost of energy or vitamins, I’ll aim for a nutrient-rich salad with a healthy protein. If I’m having meat or fish – chicken, salmon, and squid are my main choices – I’ll marinate it for 24 hours before cooking. It’s a great way to add flavours with herbs, spices, and seasonings that taste delicious but don’t add on too many extra calories.

For the salad, the more colourful the better. Beetroot, red cabbage, olives, mixed leaves, carrot, and peppers are some of my favourites. I’ll try not to dress the salad if possible, adding seeds instead to boost the flavour and add extra bite.

If I’m short on time or know I’ll be running late to get dinner started, I’ll buy a pre-made salad as a base and then add extras to bulk it up. Supermarket salads are convenient but can often lack a bit of inspiration, but as a base, they can be really helpful and a great time-saver.

Lisa Mitchell – Sacred & Delicious

Lisa Mitchell

Like most working folks, I’m interested in cooking easy meals Monday through Friday because I often work until 6 or 6:30 p.m. Simplicity and ease are my watchwords during the work week. Vegetarian and gluten-free are essential for my health.

Most meals in our household are vegan, although I do still cook with ghee (clarified butter). According to Ayurveda, the ancient medical and wellness system of India, ghee is considered the healthiest fat for its medicinal qualities.

Here are some of my favorite American-style weeknight meals:

1. Red lentil soup with vegetables. I usually make a homemade soup stock over the weekend, and then it’s ready for this soup. Sauté an onion in the soup pot or better yet, leeks, which are faster. Then cook the lentils for about 20 minutes with vegetables and seasonings in homemade stock, when available.

For an Italian flavored soup, try carrots, zucchini, and spinach with lots of fresh basil and a little bit of oregano. Sundried tomatoes are another tasty addition. You can make the dish Indian-style with cumin, coriander, and turmeric, and a hint of curry powder, it you like. All done in about 30 minutes.

2. A black bean soup is a winner during this cold weather. It can cook all day in a slow cooker with a bay leaf and an onion. Or cook it with a pressure cooker or Instant pot and add seasonings later. Be sure to soak the beans overnight or they will never get tender. Serve over a little basmati rice. Make plenty of that black-bean soup and strain the leftovers.

3. Next day, bake some sweet potatoes and top them with warmed up black beans, avocado, and or guacamole. Maybe a little fresh salsa, too. Yum!

4. With some leftover stock, enjoy a carrot soup with fresh ginger and basil, made creamy with a little almond milk—another 30-minute dish. When the weather warms up, I switch up the seasoning to cilantro and mint with cooling coconut milk. Serve it with some grilled tofu and some sautéed greens or a salad in the summer.

5. Try a gluten-free pasta or pasta of your choice! While the pasta is cooking, sauté one or two quick-cooking vegetables, such as asparagus, broccoli, or red pepper, in olive oil, liquid aminos, and garlic. Place the cooked and rinsed pasta on a bed of fresh arugula or spinach.

Add the veggies and toss with lots of fresh basil and salt. Sprinkle with nuts of choice. A delicious 30- or 40-minute meal!

Elizabeth Girouard – Pure Simple Wellness

Elizabeth Girouard

The best way to make easy healthy dinners is to use whole food ingredients, prepared simply. Frozen veggies are great to have on hand for easy dinners. They are flash-frozen when picked, so often they have more nutrients than fresh ones.

Shortcuts can save time and energy, like purchasing pre-cut vegetables or mini-versions, like baby carrots or baby potatoes. Sheet pan meals, where all the ingredients are cooked together on one sheet pan, make clean-up easier too.

A client favorite is organic chicken thighs with roasted baby potatoes and baby carrots. Season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder, drizzle some olive oil, and cook at 400 F for 30 minutes.

Another no-cook option is an organic rotisserie chicken over a precut salad, with olive oil, lemon, salt, pepper and garlic. The dressings in the prepacked oils usually have less healthy oils, so it’s best to avoid them. Or, a bag of steamed frozen vegetables, with rotisserie chicken, drizzled with olive oil and hot sauce.

Here are a few other favorite simple, healthy dinner ideas:

Organic Chicken Sausage with onions and peppers

  • sauté onion and pepper strips in avocado or olive oil with garlic, salt and pepper for 3-5 minutes; add cut up pre-cooked sausage and cook until heated through

Veggie stir-fry

  • sauté chopped peppers, onions, zucchini, green beans, carrots (fresh or frozen) olive oil; add gluten-free Tamari sauce or coconut aminos, and serve over cauliflower rice or brown rice

Ground beef and mushrooms over zoodles

  • sauté grass-fed ground beef, once meat is cooked through, add thinly sliced mushrooms and organic tomato sauce until mushrooms are cooked through. Add zucchini noodles for 2 minutes at the end to heat.

Candice Walker – Proportional Plate

Candice Walker

If I’m trying to keep dinner under 30 minutes but still keep it healthy and packed with flavor, one of my go-to recipes is a salmon dish, Citrus Thyme Salmon with Pesto Pasta. Salmon is most people’s go-to fish because it’s healthy, delicious, and extremely versatile.

It takes no time at all to cook in the oven, and I serve with simple pesto pasta and steamed veggies. The key to making a healthy, easy meal is combining elements that you can cook all at the same time – for example steaming veggies while the salmon cooks.

Another quick dinner I love is Ginger Scallion Noodles with Broccoli & Carrots – it’s an amazing substitute for takeout when you’re craving it. It helps to have an easy recipe on hand if you want to resist the temptation of ordering in.

Then, if I need something quick and warm, I always make Vegetarian Egg Drop Soup with Mixed Veggies – I use arrowroot powder to thicken it so it’s just the right texture.

It’s a hearty, simple soup that works with frozen veggies like corn and peas, and I use homemade vegetable stock to make sure it’s not loaded with salt and other additives.

Jessica Braider – The Scramble

Jessica Braider

One of my favorite easy healthy dinners is build-a-bowl nights because they are so easy, flexible, and fun.

Start with a grain base such as rice, quinoa, or couscous, and then you can add any proteins, vegetables, and condiments you like to make the flavor fit your mood.

For example, you could go a southwestern route with black beans, roasted vegetables, shredded Cheddar cheese, and salsa.

Or, you could go middle eastern with chickpeas, chopped raw vegetables, crumbled feta, and hummus.

The possibilities are endless and if you make the base grain and some proteins or vegetables ahead of time, dinner can be ready in mere minutes!

Stephanie Mantilla – Plant Prosperous

Stephanie Mantilla

My favorite healthy meal is lentil chili.

You can dump the lentils, salsa, spices, and vegetables all into one pot and let them cook.

This even works in an Instant Pot or pressure cooker.

The lentils provide a good amount of protein and you can add whatever veggies you have on hand.

You can serve the chili over a bed of rice, quinoa, or greens for a healthy meal your entire family will like.

Katrina Love Senn

Katrina Love SennMy favourite easy healthy dinner ideas are tasty, quick, and easy. I am inspired by the seasons and like to eat real food.

In Winter, my favourite dinner ideas are delicious, warming, and nourishing. They include thick hearty winter soups (made from home-made broths), Asian stir fry’s, and spicy curries served with Basmati rice, cauliflower rice, or quinoa.

In Summer, as the weather gets warmer and the days are longer, my meals change also.

They are generally lighter using fresh salad greens, herbs, and microgreens. To serve interesting salads, presentation is key. Choose colourful ingredients, served on a long white ceramic plate.

Top the plate with interesting salad leaves. Then, add generous amounts of fresh vegetables (such as sliced avocado, grated carrot, grated beetroot, pomegranate seeds, walnuts etc or roast vegetables) and fresh parsley, basil, and mint, cracked black pepper, and sea salt. In Summer months, I also like miso, sushi, sashimi fish, and Vietnamese spring rolls (fresh).

Antonia Korcheva – Escape Waste

Antonia Korcheva

I love making zucchini boats. They are easy to prepare and the filling options are endless. This is a personal original recipe! Here are the steps:

  • You’ll need one or two zucchinis per person for one serving.
  • Cut the zucchini crosswise.
  • Carve each half with a spoon to create the boats.
  • Drizzle the boats with olive oil and a pinch of salt.
  • Bake them for 10 minutes on medium heat.
  • In the meantime, prepare the filling.
  • Put the filling in the boats and cook for 20 more minutes.

Filling ideas:

  • Mushrooms with onion and herbs;
  • Sauteed seasonal vegetables;
  • Quinoa.

Additional tip: Use the leftover carvings for the filling of the boats or prepare other meals such as salads, zucchini balls, or even cakes.

Cheryl McColgan – Heal Nourish Grow Cheryl McColgan

People love to overcomplicate dinner time, especially when they’re trying to switch to a new, healthy way of eating. One of the first things to determine is what is really a healthy meal…which is not so easy nowadays with the pervasive old ways of thinking still dominating nutrition. Eating healthy can be simple.

After hundreds of hours of research, I’ve determined that a low carb diet free of processed food and added sugar is the healthiest option.

Based on this paradigm, my favorite easy and healthy dinner ideas basically include two ingredients. Combine your favorite protein (bonus points if it’s grass-fed or pastured) with a low starch vegetable. Add some healthy fat or sauce and you’re done!

If you’re really pressed for time or creativity, you can even skip the vegetable, GASP! This would be unheard of in the past but you can make a good case that vegetables aren’t necessary to a healthy diet.

Some specific examples of this type of meal are a perfectly cooked grass-fed ribeye with some asparagus roasted in olive oil. Another great choice would be a one-pan meal of pastured chicken thighs and brussels sprouts cooked in butter. Particularly if you’re trying to lose weight, this dinner method will keep you on track and simplify healthy eating.

Youmna Rab – Sustainably Yours

Youmna Rab

My favourite, easy healthy dinner ideas are ones that can be made in less than 20 minutes and create very few dirty dishes. When it comes to cooking, having to wash tons of dirty dishes automatically makes an easy dinner much harder. Dishes that can be made in one pan are the best way to go.

The easiest one-pan dinner I make is pesto ravioli. All you have to do is heat up frozen ravioli, cut some veggies and mix it all together on the stove with pesto! Most frozen food isn’t considered healthy, but ravioli can be if you add pesto and lots of vegetables.

Another great easy vegan option is a barbecue chickpea wrap. All you have to do is heat up canned chickpeas in barbeque sauce and wrap it in a tortilla with your favourite vegetables. Lettuce, tomatoes, and onions are great options that pair deliciously with chickpeas. Spread some hummus on the tortilla as well to add some more flavour.

These two healthy dishes are favorites that can be made in less than 20 minutes. To spend less time in the kitchen, cut up vegetables while everything else cooks.

Stephanie Harris-Uyidi – Posh Pescatarian

Stephanie Harris-Uyidi

Soups, Chowders, and Stews

I love turning to soups, chowders, and stews as quick and healthy dinner options. This way, you can easily combine a medley of veggies, legumes, and spices to create a healthy but flavorful meal.

Soups, stews, and chowders provide home cooks the opportunity to experiment with flavor combinations. From a Mireproix mix (sauteed celery, carrots, and onions) to coconut milk to kale to lentils to lemons, the options are endless!

Some of my favorite recipes include Cauliflower, Coconut & Orange Lentil Soup, Wild Salmon & Tuscan Kale Chowder, and One Pot North African Fish & Chickpea Pescatarian Stew.


Salads are another great healthy dinner option, and it doesn’t have to be limited to Caesar! You can add veggies, fruits, protein, cheese, and nuts to your dish for added flavor and variety.

I love going back to many of my recipes that are now staples in my diet, including Elote Grilled Mexican Street Corn Salad, Salmon Bacon Salad, Spicy Yucatan Fruit Salad, and Wild Tuna Salad.

Laura Poe Mathes

Laura Poe Mathes

When putting together quick and healthy dinners, I like to use a basic template to make sure my family gets the nutrition they need while also keeping it simple: every dinner has a protein (usually meat), a vegetable and a whole grain or root vegetable. Fill in these blanks with whatever is on hand and you are on your way to a healthy dinner.

For example, some of my favorite nutrient-rich and delicious dinners are: tacos with ground beef and beans on corn or whole wheat tortillas with plenty of veggie toppings; Thai laab, a dish of ground pork, seasonings and vegetables served in lettuce wraps, with brown rice; curry or stir fry with whatever meat and vegetables need to be used up in the fridge, on a bed of sweet potatoes or brown rice.

Finally, breakfast-for-dinner, the ultimate dinner-saver–I will typically make a cheese and veggie frittata or omelette and serve with whole grain sourdough bread when we are really short on time to throw dinner together.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and try to do as much meal planning as you can ahead of time so your healthy dinners come together quickly and easily.

Shruthi Baskaran – Urban Farmie

Shruthi Baskaran

My favorite healthy dinners are plant-forward, vegan or vegetarian versions of simple African stews.

Say, for instance, Efo Riro, a hearty Nigerian spinach stew cooked using a red pepper and tomato puree, as well as umami-rich elements like mushrooms and tahini.

Or a warm bowl of Ethiopian Atakilt Wat, a cabbage stew made with pantry staples like potatoes and carrots, and oil infused with simple spices.

These dinners are hearty, comforting and nutritious, and easy to make at home even when I’m busy!

Jenna Passaro – Sip Bite Go

Jenna Passaro

As a parent, I know how important it can be to throw a quick and easy dinner together. Make a delicious 30 minute or less chicken dinner with inspiration from this recipe.

Here these perfectly cooked chicken breasts are served with an easy avocado and vegetable salad. You can make a simple chicken dinner like a restaurant would make – right at home.

Need a vegetarian option? These easy baked buffalo cauliflower bites are an addictive meatless buffalo wings alternative. This vegetarian chicken wing alternative is a favorite in my house for game day and using up leftover cauliflower.

If you’ve heard of cauliflower buffalo bites, you’ll find this recipe is a little different. The addition of red onion makes these buffalo cauliflower bites taste more gourmet. Find the recipe here.

Marissa Schaumloffel – Over The Spoon For

Marissa Schaumloffel

My favorite easy and healthy dinners are any options that I can use whatever I have on hand.

I either turn leftover vegetables and potatoes into a baked frittata or create a Buddha Bowl with a rice or quinoa base.

These allow me to fill up on protein, fiber, and healthy fats and use what I already have rather than going to the store after work.

I cook rice or quinoa in the rice cooker in about 20 minutes while I cut up any vegetables.

I love to add different sauces to make the meals different and flavorful.

Thank you so much to all the experts that have contributed to this expert roundup! If you want to help more people improve their health and their diet then please share this post with your friends and followers so we can spread these healthy dinner ideas.



The Best Superfood Powders of 2021

Superfood powders can help a person fill the nutrient gap caused by questionable dietary choices. They’re loaded with vitamins and minerals, rich in antioxidants, and have the dietary fiber needed to maintain a healthy digestive tract.

For one reason or another, many people these days have deviated from a healthy diet. This is a troubling development that has contributed to the obesity epidemic, as well as increases in incidents of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure and more.

Superfood powders, when combined with other healthy lifestyle choices, can get a person back on the road to sustainable good health. Below are the best superfood powders of 2021.

1. Country Farms Super Green Drink Mix

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There were several superfood powders we could have led off our list with. We ultimately chose Country Farms Super Green Drink Mix because of its combination of more than 50 superfoods, its robust antioxidant profile, its affordability, and its taste, which was a pleasant surprise. The fact that it includes a robust complement of probiotics to ensure gut health is just icing on the superfood cake.

We say the flavor is a “pleasant surprise” because this particular powder is unflavored. And often times that means you have to grin and bear it. Not here though. The flavor is delightfully neutral which made the process of drinking it a relative walk in the park compared to some others. Country Farms Super Green Drink Mix is also free of animal products. Meaning it’s safe for vegetarians and vegans.

2. Orgain Organic Green Superfoods Powder

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Orgain Organic Green Superfoods Powder contains more than 4 dozen superfoods, so we’re not going to spend time listing them all. Basically, if it’s in the superfood category – anybody’s superfood category – it’s probably in this superfood powder. That includes probiotics, which are so important to proper digestion and nutrient absorption, and fiber to keep make sure things keep moving.

No matter what you hope to gain from a superfood powder, there’s a decent chance you’ll get it from this one. If there is a downside it’s that there are so many superfood ingredients that you likely won’t be able to tell which ones are doing right by you and which are just along for the ride. But as long as the end result is a healthier you, that shouldn’t make any difference.

3. Nested Naturals Supergreens

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Nested Naturals Supergreens is, as you can imagine, heavy on things like broccoli, spinach, wheatgrass, collard greens and other such foods. The emphasis here is squarely on the antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and probiotics. With the goal being to enhance your body’s ability to effectively process the food you eat so you can glean greater nutritional value from it. And to set you up with a potent immune system that’s ready for all comers.

Nested Naturals Supergreens also provides an energy boost to help power your workouts. And there’s protein as well to help you build bigger muscles as a result of your workouts. While the superfood blend here is not as inclusive as some others, that can actually be a good thing. For instance, because it does not contain any nuts, it’s safe for those with peanut allergies. This powerful superfood powder is also very affordable.

4. Amazing Grass Green Superfood Antioxidant

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Amazing Grass is all-in on the superfood powders. They were, in fact, something like pioneers in the superfood space, with decades of experience promoting the benefits of greens even before they became widely popular. Today, the company produces a couple of dozen variants on the superfood powder idea, and for our money, this is their best.

Amazing Grass Green Superfood Antioxidant is formulated to provide an impressive antioxidant dose. In the short run, that imposing cargo of antioxidants helps with things like dermatitis. In the long run, it may help you avoid things like heart disease. Amazing Grass Green Superfood powder is free of gluten and other food allergens, GMOs, and sugar. It’s also Kosher, vegetarian and vegan-friendly.

5. Orgain Organic Protein+ Superfoods Powder

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Orgain Organic is back for a bow with their Protein+ Superfoods Powder. Like the company’s earlier entry on our list this superfood powder contains more than 4 dozen ingredients. The main difference is that this powder contains an added amount of protein. Presumably, for the athletically inclined. Vegans shouldn’t let that scare them off, however, as the protein is plant-based.

Despite the presence of so many ingredients, Orgain Organic Protein+ Superfoods Powder manages to be gluten, soy and dairy free and contains no genetically modified organisms. The powder is doctor formulated and provides a potent nutrient load. It also boosts energy levels without relying on sugar or caffeine to do so. Nice trick that. If workouts are your thing, take this half an hour before or right after you hit the gym.

6. Biopharma NanoGreens Superfood Powder

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Biopharma NanoGreens Superfood Powder contains 55 ingredients that piggyback on one another to provide almost the entire nutrient profile as well as outstanding antioxidant benefits. The ingredients in Biopharma NanoGreens are sourced from half a dozen countries and brought together in the US in a GMP facility under the watchful eye of the FDA.

Biopharma takes a slightly different approach to superfood powder, one that may not appeal to purist but is effective nonetheless. You see they add a touch of caffeine into their powder to provide an energy boost. And they toss in some stevia to make things a bit more palatable. The result is a superfood powder that’s antioxidant and nutrient-rich, while at the same time tasting pretty good and setting you up for the day or your workout.

7. Garden of Life Raw Organic Superfood Powder

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Garden of Life Raw Organic Superfood Powder is vegan, allergen-free, dairy-free and relatively tasty. Exactly how the company managed to make is so palatable without adding sugar, or even stevia, is anyone’s guess. But they did. Beyond the taste, there are dozens of ingredients here, all of them are certified organic and many of them are rich in antioxidant value.

We expect a high quality product from Garden of Life and we get it here with this superfood powder. It contains essential amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, digestive enzymes, and much more. And maybe best of all, it mixes very well with almost any kind of non-carbonated beverage. Not something that can be said of all its competitors.

8. Grown American Superfood

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All of the two dozen or so ingredients in Grown American Superfood Powder are, you guessed it, grown in America. Why is that important? Because verifying compliance with things like organic farming techniques is not always a straightforward proposition when ingredients are sourced from other countries. And for some folks that organic label should mean something.

Besides containing all ‘locally grown’ ingredients Grown American Superfood Powder relies much more heavily on fruits than some other powders. Which, if you’re a fan of antioxidants, should be music to your ears. Besides being nutrient-dense and antioxidant-rich, Grown American Superfood Powder is also free of sugar, soy, dairy, gluten and GMOs.

9. Super Greens Premium Superfood Powder

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Super Greens does not have the name recognition of Orgain Organics or Garden of Life but they aspire to quality and that’s what counts. Their Premium Superfood Powder contains 40 recognized superfoods, along with probiotics to promote digestive integrity and a bit of Stevia to make things palatable.

Super Greens Premium also mixes very well with most non-carbonated beverages. Which means it doesn’t sink right to the bottom and form a layer of clay. If there is a downside here it’s the price, which is among the highest of the best superfood powders.

10. Nature Fuel Power Beets Superfood Supplement

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The last of our best superfood powders is also the simplest. Nature Fuel Power Beets is derived from organic beet root juice and fermented beet root juice. It’s packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, and magnesium and provides both long-term protection against a multitude of potential health problems, and a short-term energy boost that will help you get more from your workouts.

Each serving boosts nitric oxide levels, increases blood flow and ensures your muscles (and brain) get the oxygen they need. It’s recommended that you mix it with a glass of water half an hour before a workout to enjoy optimal benefits in that regard.


What Are Superfoods?

More than a few people are wary of so-called superfoods because the name implies these foods have been genetically altered in some way to increase their nutrient levels. But while genetic manipulation of crops has become commonplace, superfoods were pretty super already and don’t really need to have their DNA manipulated in a lab. In fact, most superfood powders go to great lengths to emphasize they contain no genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.

So what is a ‘superfood’? The superfood umbrella created by marketers is pretty large. But in essence the word refers to any food that is nutrient-rich and possesses antioxidant and, ideally, anti-inflammatory properties. These include beans, greens, nuts, mushrooms, seeds, fish and more. And example of a non-superfood would be something like pizza, which contains lots of empty calories (1). And celery, which has almost no nutritional value.

What are the Benefits of Superfood Powders?

Superfood powders are convenient. Many people do not eat nutrient-rich foods on a regular basis. Often that’s because they simply don’t have time to squeeze food shopping and preparation into their busy schedule. Instead they default to fast food that tastes great and fills them up but does more long-term harm than good. Superfood drinks are an easy and convenient way to make up for a nutrient-poor diet.

Superfood powders are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidant content is one of the most important factors in determining whether something is a genuine superfood. Antioxidants take numerous forms. Some are nutrients like vitamin C or vitamin E. Others are complex compounds that do not have any specific nutritional role, but have the ability to counteract the activity of free radicals (2). Free radicals are responsible for oxidative stress which, in turn, is behind the onset of numerous chronic and deadly diseases. Antioxidants are crucial to maintaining proper health and superfoods have them in abundance.

There are lots of different superfood powders. There are so many different superfoods, and so many different superfood powders, that you’re sure to find one that agrees with you. From simple to complex there’s a multitude of different formulations with different tastes and different characteristics. So if you don’t like one, just try another. They’re affordable so you won’t break your bank shopping around a bit.

Superfood powders are contain lots of important nutrients. Superfoods got that designation because they are rich in important nutrients and largely devoid of empty calories. Important nutrients include magnesium, iron, calcium, B-vitamins, vitamins A, C and E, potassium and more. Whereas that pizza we mentioned above contains virtually none of these, a good superfood shake contains most of them, plus others.

Superfood powders can help ward off chronic diseases. As we mentioned above true superfoods are rich in antioxidants. And antioxidants fight oxidative stress (3). Oxidative stress is believed to play a major contributing role in the development of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s (4) and certain types of cancer, as well as atherosclerosis and other forms of cardiovascular disease (5). Superfood shakes rich in antioxidants may well improve your chances of warding off these debilitating conditions.

Superfood powders can help boost your immune system. A nutrient deficient diet reduces the effectiveness of the immune system. In turn, an immune system operating at less than full capacity leaves a person susceptible to colds, flu, infections, and the above-mentioned chronic diseases and other health problems. Incorporating superfood shakes into your diet can make up for a nutrient deficient diet and help restore your immune system to its optimal state of preparedness.

Superfood powders may help manage blood sugars. While there has not been a ton of research conducted on the topic, many health professionals believe superfoods have the ability to stabilize blood glucose levels and promote their use for diabetics (6). If it is true that superfoods (and by extension, superfood powders), can help control blood sugars it probably comes down to these foods having a low glycemic index (7) rating. Hopefully there will be some significant research forthcoming on this issue to provide guidance to diabetics.

Superfood powders taste pretty good. Taste is a subjective thing. A food that sends one person to flavorful nirvana causes another to rue the moment they agreed to open their mouth. But, on the whole, superfood shakes tend to taste much better than their protein shake counterparts. If there’s a caveat it’s that in order to ramp up taste, some manufacturers add artificial flavorings. So if that sort of thing concerns you, make sure to read the label carefully before buying or using a particular superfood powder.

Superfood powders are good for people trying to lose weight. Weight loss has become a $72 billion industry (8) and is expected to keep growing in the coming years. The thing is, it’s not always necessary to join a gym or sign up to have low cal meals delivered to your door in order to lose weight. Superfood powders are typically low in calories and high in energy producing, muscle-building, appetite-suppressing nutrients like protein, potassium and omega-3 fatty acids.

Superfood powders may help lower high blood pressure. High blood pressure affects millions of Americans and is a major cause of premature death. The treatment of high blood pressure, or hypertension, typically involves prescription medications. But it may be possible to lower blood pressure by eating the same type of foods recommended on the DASH diet (9)(10). That means lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, poultry and nuts. Which, if you read the label of your superfood powder, is a list that will look familiar.

Superfood powders may help lower cholesterol. Anyone looking for a reason why they have high levels of ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol in their blood need look no further than what’s on their plate. The link between high cholesterol and diet is irrefutable (11). So if you want to get LDL cholesterol under control it would behoove you to replace some of the current unhealthy foods you’re eating with superfood drinks.

Superfood powders are affordable. Gym memberships are not cheap. Diet programs that deliver healthy food to your door can cost well over $100 per week. Organically grown, pesticide and GMO-free fruits and vegetables get expensive as well. (If you can find a market near you that sells them.) One of the best ways to combat the high cost of good health is to make superfood drinks a part of your regular dietary routine. Which is easy, because superfood powders are very affordable.

Do Superfood Powders Produce Side Effects?

Some superfoods may interfere with some medications – The average superfood powder contains quite a few ingredients, so it’s important that you make sure none of them will interfere with any medication you might be taking. For instance, it is believed that goji berries, a very popular ingredient in superfood powders, are also potentially beneficial in treating type 2 diabetes (12). While that sounds like good news it also raises the possibility that a superfood powder with goji berries could interfere with other diabetes medications. If you are currently taking any prescription meds talk to your doctor before you add superfood powder to your diet.

They may cause diarrhea in some people – Many superfood powders are high in fiber. And that’s important because it helps keep things moving. In some cases, though, it may get things moving a bit too fast and cause diarrhea. If the superfood powder you’re using is causing you to visit the bathroom more often than normal you should probably try a different powder that goes a little lighter on the fiber. They’re out there.

They may cause bloating – There is no doubt beans and fiber are good for your health. However, some folks have a negative reaction that includes bloating and gas when they use superfood powders that contain high quantities of these foods. If you feel bloated and uncomfortable after having a superfood drink, try a different one with less beans and fiber.

Some people complain of odd smelling pee – It may seem strange but the same thing happens to some people who take multivitamins or eat certain vegetables like asparagus. If it happens to you, you can either switch superfood powders, or drink lots of water after having your shake to dilute the odor-causing compounds.

Is There a Downside to Superfood Powders?

Whether something is a negative or not is often a matter of opinion. But if you are a stickler for documentation then superfood powders may leave you a bit frustrated. That’s because, although a particular powder may proudly proclaim itself ‘organic’, there is typically no way to confirm this.

Also, how can the user be sure that all the ingredients used were grown without pesticides? And who exactly is checking to make sure that a particular berry or leafy veggie doesn’t have a genetically modified ancestor? After all, many of the foods we eat regularly have been altered either by selective breeding (13) or outright genetic manipulation (14). So how can we be absolutely sure there isn’t a GMO somewhere in the family tree of some ingredients?

Also, if ingredients are grown on overseas farms (which they sometimes are) what were the health conditions on those farms? You see, if a person really wants to dig they can come up with a number of questions that do not have easy answers.

The Bottom Line

Many of us have wandered so far off the nutritional farm that we run the risk of developing a compromised immune system that could leave us susceptible to all kinds of short and long-term health problems. Not only that, but if you are not getting enough antioxidants in your diet you’re inviting oxidative stress to have its way with you.

Superfood powders can fill the nutrient gap and help restore balance to your system. They are affordable, convenient, and loaded with vitamins, minerals, proteins, antioxidants and more. Making a superfood drink part of your daily routine could also help you lose weight, manage your blood sugars, lower your blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart attack and help you ward off numerous chronic diseases.



Reviewing the Best Stethoscopes of 2021

The stethoscope has been with us since the late 18th century, and has been a commonplace item in hospitals and doctor’s offices for more than 100 years. The stethoscope is an invaluable diagnostic tool that can be used effectively with just a modicum of training.

Stethoscopes are a must-have item for cardiologists, cardiac nurses, general practitioners, EMTs, military medical personnel, and medical students, and have become an increasingly popular item to have in the home first aid kit.

The following are the best stethoscopes on the market for 2021.

1. ADC Adscope 600 Platinum

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ADC has emerged in recent years as a genuine competitor to long time industry leader Littman. Their Adscope 600 Platinum is an outstanding scope that is lightweight, durable and features an adjustable diaphragm for precise sound identification. There are spring-loaded binaurals topped with very comfortable eartips, and the Adscope 600 is available in 9 different colors. Or, if you like, in gold-plated titanium.

The Adscope 600 Platinum is engineered to exacting tolerances. It’s not going to start falling apart if you subject it to a few months of life in the ambulance. The chestpiece is molded to mimic human anatomy and feels very comfortable against the skin. The icing on the cake is an additional pair of Adsoft Plus eartips and the lifetime warranty, which it is unlikely you will ever need to invoke.

2. 3M Littmann Classic III Monitoring Stethoscope

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For those new to the topic, Littman is the name in stethoscopes and has been pretty much ever since the 1960s when Dr. David Littman redesigned and redefined the modern stethoscope. The 3M Littmann Classic III Monitoring Stethoscope is, in our humble opinion, the best value among the various Littmann scopes. This is an all-purpose stethoscope with few equals.

The Classic III Monitoring Stethoscope will appeal to everyone from cardiologists to navy corpsmen to homeowners. It has excellent sound quality thanks to its single piece tunable diaphragm and nextgen tubing that resists the negative effects of contact with skin oil. You can also replace the bell resonator with a non-chill rim that won’t bother young children. If you are not sure which stethoscope to buy, you can’t go wrong with the Littmann Classic III.

3. Vitalwise Cardiology Stethoscope

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Vitalwise does not have the name recognition of Littmann, but if they keep pumping out stethoscopes like this they will one day soon. The Vitalwise Cardiology Stethoscope is as effective as it is attractive and durable. It is comfortable for both health professional and patient, lightweight so it can be carried all day long, and produces outstanding sound quality.

General practitioners, EMTs, pediatricians, nurses, medical students and homeowners will all find a lot to like with the Vitalwise Cardiology Stethoscope. Unlike many of today’s scopes it comes with its own handsome carrying case, so you can safely stow it around the house or take it with you when you travel. The company offers a 30 day no-questions money-back guarantee and a lifetime replacement guarantee on parts and construction.

4. 3M Littmann Master Cardiology Stethoscope

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The 3M Littmann Master Cardiology Stethoscope produces some of the highest quality audio you will get in an acoustic stethoscope at any price. The Master Cardiology Stethoscope features dual-lumen tubing, and an ergonomically shaped stainless steel chestpiece and produces virtually no noise interference. Perfect for everyone from cardiologists to pediatricians.

The Master Cardiology has a tunable diaphragm, which goes a long way toward explaining the outstanding audio quality. There is also a Special Procedures Adaptor that can be used with young children, and is included here for free. The scope is very durable and should stand up to years of use. Whether you are indeed a master cardiologist or a master EMT or army medic, you’ll find this Littmann stethoscope delivers everything you need.

5. Ever Ready First Aid Dual Head Stethoscope

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The Ever Ready First Aid Dual Head Stethoscope is one of the best values you’ll find in any type of medical equipment. While it won’t produce the type of crystal clear audio of the Littmann Master Cardiology, the sound quality is more than adequate for people who need to make important decisions in a hurry in order to stabilize patients before transporting them. That would of course include EMTs, rescue workers and military medics.

This is a dual-head stethoscope that’s equally effective on adults and kids. The dual-lumen design also negates some of the audio interference you’ll find in twin tube designs. Build quality is generally very good, and with a 27 inch tube you don’t have to get right in anyone’s face to obtain the information you need.

6. MDF MD One

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The MDF MD One is the Gucci of stethoscopes. We mean that in the sense that it is meticulously crafted and undeniably attractive. It’s available in a bevy of different colors and patterns to meet every mood or setting. But it’s much more than just a pretty face. It produces high-quality sound right across the audio spectrum. And it is much tougher than its handsome exterior lets on.

Pediatricians, people who work in high-end clinics or hospitals, or any medical professional for that matter who just wants equipment that provides outstanding functionality, will find a lot to like in the MDF MD One. The eartips are all-day comfortable. The chestpiece is well-designed and does not require you to press down. And the lifetime warranty on parts and construction means that you have nothing to lose.

7. Mabis Spectrum Lightweight Stethoscope

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You can spend quite a bit on a top of the line stethoscope or, if you are simply looking for a dependable scope to keep around the house or to use as a backup, you can pick up the surprisingly effective Mabis Spectrum Lightweight Stethoscope. This is another great value scope that is ideal for those who may only need it occasionally. Or, who want to keep a backup handy in case of emergency.

This is a single-sided stethoscope that features a 30 inch overall length so you don’t have to get right on top of your subjects. Important in this day and age. Audio quality is good to very good, the scope is reasonably light, and the stethoscope is available in 4 colors. Perhaps surprisingly there is also a lifetime warranty covering manufacturer’s defects.

8. Paramed Dual Head Cardiology Stethoscope

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The Paramed Dual Head Cardiology Stethoscope combines outstanding performance, intense durability, and a high degree of versatility in one very reasonably priced medical device. This is a good choice for families with young children, EMTs that encounter a variety of people during the exercise of their duties as well as emergency room personnel.

The Paramed Dual Head Stethoscope features a 360 degree rotating design, comes with 4 different ear tips and also provides an extra diaphragm and a handsome carrying case. Overall length of this stethoscope is 29 inches, which means you can put some space between yourself and the person you’re checking on. And the tubing is made of latex free material. If there is a downside it’s that audio quality at the high end of the spectrum is not what it is with some other scopes.

9. FriCare Rose Gold Stethoscope

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The FriCare Rose Gold Stethoscope is another of those designer stethoscopes that will make you look great while you carry out your duties in the hospital or clinic. Fortunately, besides being attractive it also produces high-end audio quality, is all-day comfortable, and weighs a scant 3.5 ounces. The dual-lumen tubing is latex free and stain-resistant, while the chestpiece will adapt to adults or children of all ages.

If you are looking for a scope to add to your home first aid kit this is a great choice. It comes with a very practical and durable carrying case, which ensures the stethoscope will be in tip top shape even if you go months between using it. The dual head design means it will serve your elderly parents just as well as it does your young children, and yourself. Comes with a lifetime warranty on construction and parts and a 5 year service guarantee.

10. 3M Littmann Cardiology IV Stethoscope

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The 3M Littmann Cardiology IV Stethoscope is yet another high-performance scope from Littman. The build quality here is beyond reproach. It’s light and responsive and dependable in all conditions, and it features an extra large chestpiece so you don’t have to fumble around trying to make a good connection with the patient.

That extra large chestpiece we mentioned is dual-sided and tunable, so you can pick up even the faintest murmurs or other anomalies. The eartips are soft-sealing, meaning they expand gently inside your ear to block out extraneous noise. And the dual-lumen tubing is 100% free of latex. There’s also a lifetime warranty on parts and construction.


What Is a Stethoscope?

A stethoscope is a medical device designed to detect the sounds generated inside the body of a human or animal. The stethoscope is comprised of a disc-shaped end called a ‘resonator’ that is placed against the body, one or two narrow tubes that run from the resonator to the ears, and two earpieces that deliver the detected sound to the listening person. While most often used to listen to the heart, the stethoscope is also used to listen to the lungs and intestines, as well as blood flowing through the arteries.

What are the Benefits of a Stethoscope?

A stethoscope is easy to use. Unlike many pieces of modern medical technology that require extensive training to master, virtually anyone can use a stethoscope. All one really needs to know is what to listen for, and how to interpret what they are hearing in a rudimentary fashion.

A stethoscope is a must have for front-line medical personnel. Anyone on the front lines of medicine, such as an EMT or an emergency room nurse or doctor, needs to have a stethoscope on hand at all times. They provide basic but vital information on the state of the person being treated that enables the medical professional to make quick, appropriate decisions regarding the right course of action.

A stethoscope can be valuable to have around the house. Nearly every household has a thermometer (1) on hand. And for good reason. It allows parents or individuals to obtain fast, accurate information regarding their own or a loved one’s health. The same applies to a stethoscope. It can provide important information regarding individuals who have cardiovascular problems, or may be at risk of developing them. This information could be relayed to EMTs in the event of an emergency and wind up making the difference between life and death.

Stethoscopes are durable. Stethoscopes are designed to withstand the rigors of the medical profession. The people that engineer stethoscopes understand that EMTs, army medics (2), emergency room nurses and the like are often operating in less than ideal circumstances and that there isn’t always time to handle the stethoscope with kid gloves.

Stethoscopes are affordable. Above we mentioned that stethoscopes are much easier to use than most other medical equipment. They also have the benefit of being much, much less expensive. Whether you are buying a stethoscope to have in the home, or are about to embark on a career in medicine, you will find the stethoscope to be very agreeably priced and a solid investment that will pay handsome dividends for years to come.

Who Needs a Stethoscope?

The stethoscope is a versatile diagnostic tool that is used by a variety of people including medical professionals, parents and more. Here are some of the people that commonly find themselves using a stethoscope.

Cardiologists – The first and most obvious entry on our list is the cardiologist (3). They specialize in all things related to the heart, so it makes perfect sense that the stethoscope would be one of their primary diagnostic tools. And because they need to obtain as much useful information as possible the cardiologist will want to arm themselves with a top of the line stethoscope that can pick up on the most subtle of sounds and return crystal clear audio.

Cardiac Nurses – The cardiac nurse is another medical professional who makes the heart their business. As such, they too will want to have a stethoscope that is capable of picking up discreet sounds lesser ‘scopes may miss. Because the cardiac nurse is on her or his feet for long hours they may want a stethoscope that is as light as possible.

RNs – The job of the registered nurse is not one that is heart-centric. Nonetheless, they need to have a stethoscope on hand at all times in case a patient is experiencing cardiovascular issues. An RN may go several days at a time without using their stethoscope, but they need to have one handy, just in case. RNs typically prefer lightweight stethoscopes because they spend long hours on their feet.

General Practitioners – With widespread specialization in the medical industry the general practitioner is something of a dying breed. Still, these ‘family doctors’ need to have a stethoscope on hand and will likely put it to use several times per day. GPs are not heart specialists but they need a stethoscope when performing physical exams or trying to diagnose common ailments in their patients.

Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen – Military medical personal work under conditions most of us cannot imagine (4). They regularly are faced with horrific situations where they must make life or death decisions while under fire. They need to know exactly what is going on with a patient as quickly as possible so they can stabilize them and evacuate them for proper treatment. As such they need a durable, reliable stethoscope that can take lots of punishment.

EMTs – Like army medics or navy corpsmen the EMT is often faced with gruesome situations that nonetheless require them to obtain accurate information regarding the state of a patient as quickly as possible. They need a stethoscope at the ready at all times. One that will stand up to the rigors of the job and the outdoor environment.

Pediatricians – Pediatricians are doctors that specialize in the care of children and teens. While people that age do not suffer heart disease at the same rate as older adults, it is still important for the pediatrician to monitor the health of young people’s hearts. In order to put young children at ease the pediatrician will often use a stethoscope that is brightly colored and less intimidating-looking.

Medical students – Which stethoscope a medical student chooses will depend in large part on which line of medicine they plan to pursue. If they intend to become a cardiologist or cardiac surgeon they will need a top of the line stethoscope. If, on the other hand, they plan to open a general practice, they won’t have a pressing need for the most sensitive, most expensive stethoscope.

What is the Difference Between an Acoustic and Electronic Stethoscope?

There are two kinds of stethoscopes, acoustic and electronic. The following are the differences between the two.

Acoustic Stethoscopes – The acoustic stethoscope is what most people think of when they think of stethoscopes. And, indeed, they are the type that most medical professionals use in most situations. And the kind most homeowners will purchase to have in the house. The heart (so to speak) of the acoustic stethoscope is the resonator. The resonator may only have a diaphragm. Or it may have two sides with a diaphragm on one side and a bell cup on the other. With the diaphragm, high frequency sound waves are captured and move up the tubes to the earpieces. With the bell, physical vibrations of the skin produce low frequency sound waves that move up the tubes to the earpieces. The diaphragm is the most common type of resonator.

Electronic Stethoscopes – Electronic stethoscopes work on the same basic principles as the acoustic scope. But they include a device that amplifies the sound waves captured by the resonator. Some electronic stethoscopes can be hooked up to a laptop to record the sounds for later playback and analysis. It is still pretty rare to encounter an electronic stethoscope in a medical situation. The vast majority of health professionals use acoustic scopes.

Does the Length of the Tubing Make a Difference?

The farther they travel from the source the more sound waves dissipate (5). This is why you cannot hear things in New York that happen in London. The same is true for stethoscopes. The longer the tube the weaker the sound wave will be when it reaches the earpiece. However, and this is a big however, the distance involved is so short that no one but the most highly-trained professional is likely to discern the difference in sound quality between a stethoscope with short tubes and one with longer tubes.

What Conditions Can be Diagnosed with a Stethoscope?

Although there are more sophisticated devices that will paint a much clearer picture of heart function, a skilled medical practitioner can still diagnose quite a few potential conditions using only a stethoscope. Systolic heart failure (6), diastolic heart failure (7) and heart murmurs (8) can all be detected using an ordinary acoustic stethoscope.

Can a Broken Stethoscope be Fixed?

It depends on the type and extent of the damage. In most cases a stethoscope can be repaired as long as the damage is not too severe. That said, if you did not pay top dollar for your now broken stethoscope, it may be more cost-effective to simply buy a new one. Simple things like tubes are cheap to replace. While a damaged diaphragm is not.

How Long Will a Stethoscope Last?

Stethoscopes are like anything else in that you pretty much get what you pay for. The top of the line stethoscopes are built to last years, even when used in demanding conditions. Some of the scopes occupying the low end of the price spectrum might need to be replaced after just a couple of years, if they are used a lot.

The Bottom Line

The stethoscope is an invaluable diagnostic tool that has been a medical mainstay for more than a century. One of its many advantages is that, with just a modicum of training, it can be effectively used by almost anyone. It is also compact, affordable and works even if the power goes out.

Modern stethoscopes are a must-have item for cardiologists, cardiac nurses, general practitioners, EMTs, military medical personnel, and medical students. While at the same time, an increasing number of families and individuals are discovering the value of having a stethoscope in their home first aid kit next to the thermometer.

Use the information in the above guide to determine which of our best stethoscopes is the right one for you.



Reviewing the Best Black Seed Oil of 2020

Black seed oil is made from the seeds of the nigella sativa plant, a small plant native to Southwest Asia and parts of the Near East. The oil derived from these tiny black seeds has been a staple of traditional medicine in that part of the world for more than 2,000 years.

Despite its popularity in some parts of the world black seed oil has lingered toward the back of the Western supplement shelf for a while now. But that is changing, as awareness of its many benefits have finally started to gain some traction. Below are the best black seed oils of 2020.

1. Amazing Herbs Premium Black Seed Oil

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Amazing Herbs produces an array of black seed oil supplements, but for our money this is the top of their line. Each soft gel capsule of their Premium Black Seed Oil contains 1250mg of highly pure oil that is rich in essential fatty acids and contains the powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant thymoquinone. Amazing Herbs Premium Black Seed Oil also contains the antihistamine nigellone which may help allergy sufferers.

If you’re looking for a safe, potent black seed oil supplement you won’t do any better than this. Amazing Herbs supplements are subjected to rigorous third party testing to ensure quality and are manufactured in an FDA registered, Good Manufacturing Practices certified facility in the US. This black seed oil is also gluten free and both vegetarian and vegan friendly.

2. Health’s Harmony Store Black Seed Oil

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Health’s Harmony goes to great lengths to ensure their Black Seed Oil gel caps are easy to swallow. This is done primarily by limiting the size to an easily manageable 500mg. Each two capsule serving contains pure, GMO-free black seed oil derived from nigella sativa from Near Eastern sources. Health’s Harmony Black Seed Oil capsules each contain a tiny bubble of nitrogen inside to ensure freshness. As such, they never leave a nasty aftertaste.

This black seed oil is extracted using the cold-press method, which ensures the potency of the oil is not compromised by heat. No genetically modified organisms are present at any stage of the cultivation, harvesting or production process. And all Health’s Harmony supplements are vegetarian friendly, produced in GMP-certified facilities and subjected to third party testing to ensure quality.

3. Amazing Herbs Premium Black Seed Oil

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Amazing Herbs is back with their Premium Black Seed Oil liquid. This is the pure liquid variant of our number 1 choice, and it packs quite a beneficial punch. If the idea of choking down capsules every day doesn’t appeal to you, this pure and potent oil is an agreeable alternative. Although it contains nothing to augment the taste, that taste itself is surprisingly neutral and should not produce any adverse reactions in most people.

Amazing Herbs Black Seed Oil liquid is free of solvents, free of alcohol, free of genetically modified organisms and both vegetarian and vegan friendly. Each 1 teaspoon serving is rich in the powerful anti-inflammatory thymoquinone as well as essential omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. Keep in mind that the recommended dose of 1 teaspoon is equivalent to 4 1250mg capsules. So you may want to start with ½ teaspoon, which would be equivalent to the recommended dose for their capsules.

4. Health Logics Black Seed Oil

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Healthy Logics Black Seed Oil is produced using the cold-press method which ensures the oil is not shorn of its benefits by heat. It is rich in beneficial omega 6 and 9 fatty acids, low in calories, fat and cholesterol and contains no gluten, soy, peanuts, shellfish, sugar, eggs or other dairy products. Health Logics Black Seed Oil is also free of genetically modified organisms at all stages of the production process.

Each gel cap contains a robust complement of thymoquinone, renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties. All Health Logics supplements are produced in the US in a GMP certified facility under the watchful eye of the FDA, although the nigella sativa itself is sourced from overseas and imported. No alcohol or solvents of any kind are used during that production process.

5. Sweet Sunnah Black Seed Oil Liquid

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Sweet Sunnah Black Seed Oil Liquid is another potent, powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant that will pay multiple benefits with regular use. The oil here is extracted using the cold-press method which prevents degradation of the important compounds. It is unrefined, unfiltered, contains no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives and is totally free of genetically modified organisms.

Sweet Sunnah Black Seed Oil Liquid contains more than 2% thymoquinone, which research has shown to produce numerous anti-inflammatory benefits. The nigella sativa seeds are sourced from the Near East, but processed in the US in a GMP facility, which is typical of most black seed oils sold on the American market. Sweet Sunnah also packages their black seed oil in an environmentally friendly glass bottle instead of plastic, so you won’t be contributing to the Pacific Garbage Patch.

6. Zhou USDA Certified Organic Black Seed Oil

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Zhou has become a significant presence in the supplement space because of their consistent quality and reasonable prices. They produce just about every type of dietary supplement under the sun, so it’s no surprise that they’ve waded into the black seed oil market. Their black seed oil is cold-pressed to preserve purity, sourced from organically grown nigella sativa seeds and presented in easy to swallow 650mg gel caps that are vegetarian and vegan friendly.

Zhou Nutrition Organic Black Seed Oil is rich in antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids. It’s an excellent source of thymoquinone, the anti-inflammatory that has impressed so many medical researchers, and it contains no artificial ingredients of any kind. If you’re looking for a supplement to help you deal with arthritis pain, Zhou Organic Black Seed Oil may be a good choice.

7. HalalEveryDay Pure Black Seed Oil

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HalalEveryDay Pure Black Seed Oil contains nothing but cold-pressed, unrefined, unfiltered black seed oil sourced from nigella sativa plants grown in the Near East. There are no artificial additives intended to jazz up the taste, no artificial colors to make it look more appealing and no food allergens of any kind. That means no dairy, soy, gluten, nuts, or anything else that may cause an allergic reaction.

This black seed oil is certified both vegan and Halal and is purported to have a shelf life of 3 years if kept in a cool place away from direct sunlight. If there is a caveat it’s this: because the oil is unfiltered it’s likely to contain some seed residue. So if you taste a bit of grit don’t be alarmed. It’s not dangerous.

8. MAJU’s Black Seed Oil

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This black seed oil from Maju is pure and unrefined. It’s produced using the preferred cold-press method, which is a little more expensive to do but results in a higher quality product. Maju’s Black Seed Oil contains no artificial flavors, yet somehow manages to taste light and pleasant, unlike some of the competition. Perhaps that’s because it is filtered.

Maju’s Black Seed Oil contains 1.5% thymoquinone, which is right in the middle quantity-wise when compared to most other black seed oils. The oil is derived from nigella sativa that is organically grown in Turkey and imported into the US for processing. It’s free of food allergens, free of GMOs and comes with a 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee.

9. Mother Nature Organics Black Seed Oil

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Mother Nature Organics Black Seed Oil is cold-pressed to retain the highest percentage of beneficial omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants possible. This is a simple, effective black seed oil supplement that is rich in thymoquinone while being free of gluten, soy, dairy, fish, peanuts, sugar and other potentially problematic additives. It’s also provided in a biodegradable glass bottle, rather than plastic.

The nigella sativa seeds used to create this oil were organically grown and are not the product of genetic modification. The oil itself is processed in a Good Manufacturing Practices facility under FDA supervision and is both vegan and vegetarian friendly.

10. Kiva Black Seed Oil Capsules

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The last of our best black seed oil supplements is Kiva Black Seed Oil Capsules. This is a 100% natural product derived from organically grown nigella sativa seeds that are cold-pressed to preserve potency and purity. Each gel cap contains 1000mg of that cold-pressed oil and is remarkably easy to swallow.

The oil in Kiva Black Seed Oil Capsules contains 1.5% of the anti-inflammatory thymoquinone as well as other antioxidants, and omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. Those fatty acids have numerous cardiovascular benefits and are potent anti-inflammatories in their own right. Kiva Black Seed Oil Capsules are certified vegan and produced in a GMP facility.


What Is Black Seed Oil?

Black seed oil is derived from the seed of the nigella sativa (1) plant, and has played a role in traditional medicine in Western Asia, the Middle East, the Near East and parts of Eastern Europe for more than two millennia. The plant is known by several other names, including black cumin, kalonji, and simply nigella.

The fruit of the nigella sativa plant is not what most of us would recognize as fruit. It consists mainly of several connected pods that are each packed with small black seeds. It is these seeds that are prized for their medicinal properties and from which black seed oil is produced.

What are the Benefits of Black Seed Oil?

Over the course of more than 2,000 years black seed oil has demonstrated numerous benefits both subtle and obvious and earned a place in the pantheon of efficacious natural medicines. In recent years it has come under increased scrutiny from Western scientists and, for the most part, has stood up under close inspection. Here are some of the benefits currently ascribed to black seed oil.

Black seed oil is rich in antioxidants – There is no denying this. Black seed oil is naturally rich in antioxidants (2) and that gives it some degree of immediate credibility. Antioxidants are the body’s first and best line of defense against the ravages of free radicals (3) and oxidative stress (4). It is their impressive antioxidant content that provides many of the benefits typically associated with black seeds and, by extension, black seed oil.

Black seed oil may help alleviate respiratory conditions like asthma – Black seed oil contains a compound known as thymoquinone (5) that has shown significant promise as a treatment for numerous chronic conditions, including asthma. Studies indicate that thymoquinone has robust anti-inflammatory properties that help relax the muscles of the airway that become inflamed during asthma attacks (6).

Black seed oil can reduce the symptoms of arthritis – The anti-inflammatory properties of black seed oil we just mentioned make it a strong candidate for treatment of both osteoarthritis (7) and rheumatoid arthritis (8). Both of these chronic conditions are inextricably linked to the body’s inflammatory response. By reducing inflammation, black seed oil can potentially reduce the pain and stiffness that are major side effects of arthritis.

Black seed oil may help lower blood pressure – High blood pressure is a serious health issue. Research indicates that high blood pressure (9) can shorten a person’s life by as much as 5 years (10). Recent clinical studies seem to support the notion that black seed oil can be potentially effective in reducing high blood pressure (11). These findings have led some to believe that it will not be long before black seed oil is regularly advised for high blood pressure patients.

Black seed oil may help people lose weight – Studies indicate that black seed oil supplementation may reduce fat accumulation in people who tend to sit for long stretches at a time (12). Which, in today’s digitally-driven economy, is an increasingly large number of people. The exact mechanism by which black seed oil achieves this apparent benefit is not yet completely understood. But the evidence suggests that benefit is very real.

Black seed oil may protect against cognitive decline – From a health perspective, inflammation is the ultimate double-edged sword. On the one hand it is a necessary part of the body’s immune response. On the other hand it contributes to arthritis, heart disease and other chronic conditions. Brain inflammation may contribute to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Early indications suggest the anti-inflammatory properties of black seed oil may help reduce brain inflammation (13), which could potentially help reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Black seed oil promotes digestive health – For centuries black seed oil has been used to alleviate indigestion and bloating. Until recently, however, there was precious little scientific evidence to back up that use. But that seems to be changing. Recent studies (14) strongly suggest that black seed oil does indeed provide relief from common digestive problems such as the aforementioned indigestion, and may help reduce the severity of conditions such as acid reflux (15).

Black seed oil may help stabilize blood glucose levels – The holy grail of diabetes research is the search for a way to effectively stabilize blood glucose levels. Several recent studies suggest that black seed oil may have something to contribute in the regard (16). Results are considered preliminary but they suggest that small doses of black seed oil can reduce HbA1c levels, which are often considered an indicator of type 2 diabetes (17).

Black seed oil is good for your skin – Much of the damage done to our skin over time is the result of oxidative stress and/or inflammation. The antioxidants in black seed oil can reduce oxidative stress which, in turn, helps bolster skin integrity. At the same time the anti-inflammatory properties of black seed oil can be useful in treating chronic skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis (18).

Black seed oil may alleviate symptoms of seasonal allergies – Those anti-inflammatory properties of black seed oil have numerous potential benefits, including the apparent ability to reduce symptoms of seasonal allergies. Hay fever and the like are characterized by inflammation of the mucus membrane in the nose (19). By reducing this inflammation black seed oil may help reduce hay fever symptoms.

Black seed oil may have anti-cancer effects – You have to be careful when touting anything as a potential cancer treatment. Some potential treatments that show promise early on wind up not panning out in the long run. That said, certain studies have suggested that the thymoquinone in black seed oil may help to mitigate the growth of certain types of cancer cells (20). This is another potential benefit linked to black seed oil’s anti-inflammatory properties.

Black seed oil may help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke – Oxidative stress caused by free radicals plays a significant role in the onset of both strokes and heart attacks (21). Because black seed oil is rich in free radical fighting antioxidants it is potentially useful in lowering the overall risk of these heart conditions. Exactly how much it may lower that risk has not been precisely calculated by scientists yet. But the benefits of fighting oxidative stress with antioxidants is well-established.

Are There Side Effects to Using Black Seed Oil?

Black seed oil contains no pharmaceutically active ingredients. Therefore, when taken as directed, the risk of significant side effects is extremely small. That said, here are some side effects various individuals have associated with black seed oil consumption.

Some have complained of mild nausea – On a few occasions, some folks have complained that black seed oil produced a mild case of nausea. There is, however, no scientific way to prove or disprove these claims. It may be that the black seed oil was indeed to blame for their nausea. Or it may be something else.

It may interact with certain medications – Researchers have warned that black seed oil may interfere with anticoagulants such as warfarin (sold commercially as Coumadin). There is also some scientific evidence that black seed oil may interfere with the effectiveness of beta-blockers (22), a type of medication given to heart attack patients to try and prevent future heart attacks. Although, as of this writing, there have been no verified incidents of black seed oil causing actual adverse reactions with these drugs. Still, if you are taking warfarin or beta-blockers, talk to your doctor before taking black seed oil.

It may have a negative effect on kidneys – Some have suggested that taking excessive amounts of black seed oil could potentially harm your kidneys. This concern is based almost entirely upon the case of one woman with type 2 diabetes who claimed to experience kidney failure after taking black seed oil every day for a week. That she experienced kidney failure is not in doubt. What’s in doubt is whether black seed oil was to blame, since no other similar cases have been reported, and there is no clinical evidence that black seed oil presents a threat to renal function.

It may cause diarrhea – A few people have complained that taking black seed oil caused them to experience diarrhea. Again, none of these cases have been clinically verified and it could be that their diarrhea was the result of something else. But we need to mention it just the same.

There is not enough research to say it is absolutely safe for pregnant women – When it comes to pregnant women and supplements the best, most common advice is, “When in doubt, don’t”. That would apply to black seed oil as well as many other supplements. There simply hasn’t been much research conducted on the subject of black seed oil and pregnancy. Because of that, an abundance of caution should prevail and pregnant women should probably avoid black seed oil.

How Much Black Seed Oil Should I Take?

Black seed oil is not medication and contains no pharmaceutically active ingredients. As such, the recommended doses can sometimes seem like they’ve been arbitrarily arrived at. Nonetheless, you should stick to the recommended dose on the package. If you feel that the amount is not producing the results you’re after you should discuss it with your doctor before arbitrarily increasing the dose. Also, if you are currently taking beta-blockers (23) or anticoagulants you should not take black seed oil at all without talking to your doctor first.

The Bottom Line

Black seed oil has gained significant traction in the supplement marketplace in recent years due to its numerous potential benefits and the extremely low risk of potential side effects. It is a powerful antioxidant and possesses robust anti-inflammatory properties as well.

The black seed oil supplements listed above have passed muster when it comes to purity and potency and are all products of reliable supplement manufacturers. Use the information in this guide to determine which black oil supplement is right for. And if you have any questions or concerns, be sure to discuss the matter with your doctor before you start taking black seed oil.



Reviewing the Best Juicers of 2020

A juicer is an appliance that enables the user to extract juice from fruits and vegetables. Juicers have become very popular with people looking to lose weight because they provide much needed vitamins and minerals that are often lacking in weight loss diets.

Juicers are also a smart choice for those who don’t have time to cook and eat a proper meal. And they can be used to produce high energy juice drinks that serve as an effective alternative to caffeine.

The following represent the best juicers of 2020 according to our product review experts.

1. Omega Masticating Juicer Extractor

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Like all masticating juicers, the Masticating Juicer Extractor from Omega is a blunt force instrument. Produce is introduced through a chute on the top and fed into the extraction chamber where it is compressed under pressure. There are no blades involved as with a blender, and no grating disc that chops fruit and veggies up into tiny little pieces. Instead, it uses a rotary grinder.

It’s an efficient and very effective way to ensure you get the most nutrient value from your favorite produce, and the technology works to perfection in this case. The Omega Masticating Juicer Extractor is also very easy to clean, very easy to reassemble and comes with a noteworthy 15-year manufacturers warranty.

2. Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain

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We’re big fans of Breville’s design aesthetic which may best be described as one step back and two steps forward. That is, it reaches into the past for inspiration, but gives everything a hyper-modern spin. The JE98XL Juice Fountain is a centrifugal juicer with a powerful 850 watt motor and a stainless steel grating disc that doesn’t shy away from anything.

Apples, carrots, broccoli, ginger and more are no match for the JE98XL. It does not skip a beat during the process of turning your produce into delicious, nutritious juice. If you want to ensure a longer shelf life for your juice, use the lower setting that reduces oxidation. The JE98XL also offers automatic overload protection, has a large 3” diameter mouth and most parts are dishwasher safe.

3. Hurom H101 Easy Clean Slow Juicer

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While we love the Breville design aesthetic, it has to be said that Hurom is no slouch in that department. Whether you choose matte silver or pearl black the H101 Easy Clean Slow Juicer is going to enhance the look of your kitchen. This masticating juicer takes its time and rotates at a leisurely 43 rpms. But you shouldn’t mistake slow for weak.

The H101 brings enormous force to bear on your produce and, in the process, extracts every bit of delicious, nutrient-rich juice. It has a tile-lined juicing chamber that prevents product from sticking to the walls. That means more juice for you. It’s quieter than some other masticating juicers too. And it cleans up in just a couple of minutes. The Hurom H101 Easy Clean Slow Juicer is not cheap. But with a 10 year warranty it turns out to be surprisingly affordable.

4. Tribest Greenstar Elite

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The Tribest Greenstar Elite is a masticating juicer that’s powerful, dependable, versatile, and easy to clean. You can choose how much pulp to retain in the juice, or to eject unwanted pulp and produce a cleaner, tastier juice. (You can also use ejected pulp to add fiber to a smoothie, or, if it’s vegetable pulp, to add to veggie burgers.)

The Greenstar Elite is tough enough to handle the hardest fruits and veggies, as well as nuts and grains. While the large chute minimizes the amount of pre-chopping you have to do. Juice made with the Greenstar Elite has a longer shelf life than juice from a centrifugal juicer. The Greestar is also easier to clean. And finally, the 15 year warranty makes the steep asking price seem a lot more reasonable.

5. AmzChef Professional Cold Press Juicer Extractor

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If you like the idea of a masticating juicer, but don’t like the idea of spending $500 or more on one, consider the AmzChef Professional Cold Press Juicer Extractor. While it lacks some of the power of more expensive masticating juicers it’s no slouch. It’s also one of the quieter masticating juicers you’ll find, and the wide chute reduces the amount of chopping you have to do.

The AmzChef Cold Press Juicer employs a low-speed motor and hard as nails grinding system to reduce the toughest produce to its constituent parts in no time. The slow speed of this juicer also ensures heat-related oxidation is kept to an absolute minimum, which means a longer shelf life for the resulting juice. The downside of the fantastic price is that, instead of a warranty, they promise they’ll always strive to find the ‘best solution possible’ to any problems.

6. Hamilton Beach Premium Juicer

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The Hamilton Beach Premium Juicer is a centrifugal juicer that makes the production of nutrient-rich tasty juices fast and effortless. It has an extra-wide 3 inch feed chute that allows you to pass whole fruit and veggies through, thereby reducing prep time. And the grating disc makes short work of apples, broccoli and every other type of produce you can think of.

The Hamilton Beach Premium Juicer offers two speeds to facilitate optimal juice extraction. It has a large 40 oz BPA-free collection container and doesn’t require an engineering degree to assemble. Regardless of what you want from juicing, you’ll get it with this attractive, reliable juicer from Hamilton Beach.

7. Breville Big Squeeze Slow Juicer

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The Breville Big Squeeze Slow Juicer pushes the design envelope by tilting the masticating juicer on its head. That provides a gravity assist that makes for even more efficient juice extraction than you get with other masticating juicers. The innovative design also means you don’t need the largest, noisiest motor on the planet. And indeed the 240 W motor here is surprisingly quiet.

The design of this juicer also means you can put whole fruits and vegetables into the chute and not worry about it. They’ll be reduced to tasty, nutritious liquid without the machine breaking a sweat. Assembly and disassembly are also easy as pie, and the Big Squeeze cleans up in just a few minutes. Toss in the 10 year manufacturer’s warranty and the modest price point and you have a value winner.

8. Hurom H-AI Slow Juicer

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The look of the Hurom H-AI Slow Juicer is bound to be an acquired taste for most people. But the juice it produces is likely to be a hit right off the bat. Like the Breville Big Squeeze the H-AI is a vertical masticating juicer that uses gravity to aid in the process. As such, you’re able to load the hopper with whole produce if you so choose and just sit back and let the H-AI work its magic.

The corkscrew grinder rotates at a modest 60 rpms. That reduces heat and oxidation which provides the finished product with a longer shelf life. And regardless of what you may think of the design, it lends itself to fast, hassle-free cleanup. It’s hard to argue with how easy it is to use, and the quality of the final product. It’s easier to argue with the price. Which is pretty steep even for a masticating juicer.

9. Aicook Juicer Machine

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If you like our #1 choice, the Hamilton Beach Premium Juicer, but don’t want to pay HB prices, consider the Aicook Juicer Machine. It features the same basic design as the Hamilton Beach, and uses the same basic mechanism to separate the juice from the produce and deliver it to your glass.

The devil is in the details with a product like this, however. It does a good job and does it reliably well. But it’s a bit noisier than its more pedigreed HB cousin, and it’s not exactly built to exacting tolerances. Nitpicking aside though, it’s a good choice for budget-conscious juicers. And it comes with a 2 year warranty that should help buyers rest a little easier.

10. Smeg Citrus Juicer

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Up to this point we’ve covered some state of the art masticating and centrifugal juicers. But we’d be remiss if we didn’t give a little love to the humble citrus juicer. The Smeg Citrus Juicer is a great choice for people who want to focus on fruit juice but who aren’t particularly enamored of the prospect of reaming their own oranges.

The Smeg is beautifully balanced, crafted from high-quality materials like stainless steel and impact resistant plastic, and starts as soon as you push your citrus fruit down onto the reamer. Cleanup is also a breeze as the 3 main components come apart with little effort and can be hand washed or popped in the dishwasher. A great looking juicer for citrus lovers.


What Is a Juicer?

A juicer is a countertop appliance that is used to extract juice from fruits, vegetables and sometimes herbs in order to create a healthy, vitamin and mineral-rich drink. The process itself is called ‘juicing’ and it has become increasingly popular as a weight-loss tool. Juicing is also a way for health-conscious individuals to ensure they get the nutrients that might otherwise be lacking in their diet.

Juicers employ a variety of methods to extract the juice from produce (1). Some squeeze, some (known as masticating juicers) pulverize the produce in question, and some rotate to extract the juice from various types of fruit. Some food processors are also marketed as juicers, although they are not specifically designed to extract juice. For the purposes of our list, we did not include that type of appliance.

What are the Benefits of a Juicer?

Juicers can help people who want to lose weight. This is one of the most commonly cited reasons why people purchase juicers today. Dieting can often lead to nutrient shortfalls (2). As people limit their food intake they often inadvertently eliminate foods that were providing necessary vitamins and minerals. This is where a juicer can help. A juicer produces nutrient-rich drinks that help fill the vitamin and mineral gap while having the added benefit of being potentially low in calories.

Using a juicer may help you fight inflammation. Inflammation is a necessary component of the body’s healing mechanism. But all too often the inflammatory response becomes a chronic occurrence. Chronic inflammation has been linked to heart disease, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes and even cancer (3). The good news is that antioxidants are known to have anti-inflammatory properties (4). And nutrients you’ll get from juicing – such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, magnesium and zinc – are natural antioxidants.

A juicer can help you improve your diet. Even if you are not on a weight loss diet a juicer can be invaluable. Many people simply don’t have the time or energy to cook and sit down to eat nutritious meals. Instead they default to the nearest, fastest, most convenient thing. And all too often, the most convenient thing is actually dangerous to their health (5) as it is loaded with fat and calories and lacking in valuable nutrients. Juicing can fill in the nutrient gap for these people just as it can for dieters.

Juicers may help protect against disease. Above we alluded to the fact that if you are not getting enough antioxidants, you open yourself up to a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and more (6). That’s because a body lacking in antioxidants is one that is susceptible to chronic inflammation. But a juicer can not only help you get the vitamins and minerals you need to stave off inflammation, it can also help prevent other conditions such as anemia (7) and osteoporosis (8).

Juicers help provide you with natural energy. Countless adults are used to getting their energy boost from coffee. And in most cases, there’s nothing wrong with that. But a lot of people don’t get along with caffeine. It makes them jittery, causes upset stomach and may keep them awake at night. If you’re not a fan of the coffee bean, a juicer is a great way to provide yourself with an energy boost. That’s because the B-vitamins in fresh juice play an essential role in turning calories into energy (9) and can provide you with a less extreme, but more long-lasting energy boost than caffeine.

Are There Side Effects to Juicing?

You could wind up not getting enough fiber. The process of turning produce into juice removes most of the fiber from that produce. As a result, folks who rely on juicing as a major component of their diet sometimes wind up not getting enough fiber. They may suffer constipation or diarrhea, and, because certain types of fiber are used by the gut microbiota as food (10), nutrient absorption can also suffer. If you intend to make juicing a big part of your diet, consider leaving some pulp in the juice. Or, if need be, take a fiber supplement.

There is the potential for higher blood sugar levels. Fruit is considered essential to a well-balanced diet. Ironically, however, too much fruit may actually be bad for you. That’s because many different fruits are high in fructose, a natural form of sugar (11). If the juices you make with your juicer are fruit-heavy you may be inadvertently elevating your blood sugar levels and raising the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Keep in mind too that sugar is carbs, and carbs equal weight gain. So if you’re on a diet, emphasize veggies over fruit.

Is a Blender a Juicer?

Marketers are always ready to try and take advantage of the hot new thing. So if juicers become a hot commodity it’s not surprising that you’d start seeing blenders marketed as juicers too. But there’s a fundamental difference. A juicer extracts the liquid from a piece of produce. A blender simply turns the entire piece of produce into a super-fine mulch. It may be fine enough to drink as it is. Or you may have to add a bit of water or some other liquid to it to make it drinkable. But what you’re getting is not juice. It’s the whole piece of produce ground into super tiny bits.

Are There Different Kinds of Juicers?

There are several different types of juicers on the market today. They are:

Masticating juicers – Most – not all – agree that the masticating juicer represents the cream of the juicer crop. The masticating juicer pulverizes the produce, thereby leaving much of the valuable fiber intact. The end result is a pulpy type of juice that is nutrient rich, has a lot of ‘body’, is good for your digestive tract and doesn’t go bad quickly. How much pulp winds up in the final product is determined by which strainer you use. The downside to the masticating juicer is the price, which can be considerable.

Centrifugal juicers – This type of juicer is usually less expensive than a masticating juicer but does a generally reliable job. They work faster than masticating juicers, which is important for folks in a hurry. And they don’t make nearly as much noise. They do, however, produce a fair amount of heat which has the effect of shortening the shelf life of the final product, at least when compared to juice from a masticating juicer.

Citrus juicers: electric – As the name implies the citrus juicer is designed to work only with citrus fruit, such as oranges. This type of juicer uses the reaming method that has been around for centuries. The fruit is cut in half and the exposed side of the half pushed down onto a reamer (12) and rotated, thereby freeing the juice which pours down into a collection vessel. With an electric citrus juicer the reaming is powered by a motor, thereby saving time and physical effort.

Citrus juicers: manual – The manual citrus juicer is essentially the same as the electric, except that it lacks a motor to spin the reamer. Of course, fewer moving parts means fewer things that can go wrong. As such, there is no practical limit on how long a well-made manual juicer can last. They’re also very affordable. The downside is that, just as with electric citrus juicers, you’re limited to using citrus fruit.

What Should I Look for in a Juicer?

Noise level – The quietest type of juicer is the manual citrus juicer. However, it is also the most limited in what it can do. As juicers become more sophisticated they also become louder. Which seems a bit counterintuitive, but it’s true. Centrifugal juicers sound a bit like a blender and are pretty loud. But perhaps not as loud as the masticating juicer, which will do a good job waking up the house.

To pulp or not to pulp? – That is the question. Once considered undesirable, pulp has seen a renaissance in recent years (13). If you want a glass of juice with no pulp you may want to opt for a citrus juicer as they tend to strain out most of the pulp. Mastication juicers, by contrast, make a point of leaving it in. Although you often have the option of choosing how much to leave in.

Ease of operation – One of the benefits of juicing is that it gives you the opportunity to get the vital nutrients you need without having to do all the work of preparing and cooking a meal. So if your juicer is high maintenance it kind of defeats the purpose. Ideally, the juicer should be easy to use and just as easy to clean.

What’s the Best Way to Clean a Juicer?

It depends on the type of juicer. A manual citrus juicer for instance, can be rinsed off then tossed in the dishwasher. Even if it’s not dishwasher safe, cleaning it should be very simple and straightforward. Electric citrus juicers on the other hand, require a bit more work.

Centrifugal juicers have lots of sharp teeth. They’re not big like the teeth on a blender. Rather, they’re small and built into a ‘grating disc’. So they more closely resemble a cheese grater that rotates. Some of these grating discs can be washed in the dishwasher. Others will need to be cleaned by hand. In which case, you should be very careful because, like a cheese grater, those little teeth are deceptively sharp.

Masticating juicers have larger parts and none of those tiny, sharp teeth. Most of the large parts are dishwasher safe and tend to clean up pretty easy. Except perhaps for the straining screen. Which may or may not come completely clean in the dishwasher.

The Bottom Line

Juicers are a great way for people on a weight loss diet to ensure they’re getting the vitamins and minerals they need. Juicers are also a way for people on the go to ensure they get those same vitamins and minerals when they don’t have time to prepare and cook a meal.

There are several different kinds of juicers that produce different types of juice. If you want the most well-rounded nutrient profile you’ll want a centrifugal or masticating juicer that will handle both fruits and vegetables. If your primary interest is in making your own fruit juices, a manual or electric citrus juicer is your best bet.

Use the above information to determine which type of juicer is right for you.



Reviewing the Best CBD Oil of 2020

CBD oil is causing people to rethink the way they address health problems from arthritis to eczema. It’s rich in antioxidants, has robust anti-inflammatory properties and is safe, effective and side effect free. In addition, CBD oil does not contain any psychotropic compounds and therefore will not get you ‘high’, lead to addiction, or cause withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking it.

Every day it seems like a new CBD product enters the marketplace. Keeping track of which ones deliver on their promise and which don’t can be a daunting task. To help you decide which one is right for you we put dozens of popular brands to the test and determined that the following are the best CBD oils of 2020.

1. cbdMD Premium Hemp Oil Tincture

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cbdMD uses only organically grown hemp in the production of their outstanding Premium Hemp Oil Tincture. That’s just one of the reasons this CBD product is so pure, potent, and fast-acting. If you suffer from the pain and stiffness of arthritis, experience sore muscles after your workouts, or just want to alleviate some of life’s everyday aches and pains, cbdMD can likely help.

Place a drop or two under your tongue and relief will speed to the affected area. Best of all there won’t be any of the stomach upset often produced by other pain killers. Just keep in mind that this is a tincture, which means it contains alcohol. As such, taking more than the recommended dose could cause drowsiness. Those in recovery should also steer clear of tinctures.

2. CB2 Wellness Extra Strength

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CB2 Wellness Extra Strength CBD oil is formulated to address inflammation and oxidative stress while improving your mood and producing no side effects. This is a potent CBD oil that will find favor with arthritis sufferers, athletes recovering from bodily stress and strain, people with various skin conditions and more.

CB2 Wellness Extra Strength gets right to work on the endocannabinoid system, activating CB2 receptors that bolster the immune system and fight oxidative stress. CB2 receptors are also important when it comes to fighting inflammation, the cause of numerous chronic conditions from diabetes to psoriasis. If you’re looking for a simple way to feel better, here it is.

3. Vermont Hemp Seed Oil

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Vermont Hemp Seed Oil is formulated to calm the nerves, promote healing, reduce stress and provide antioxidant benefits. The fact that it does all those things, and more, and still manages to taste great is a testament to the thought that went into this product. There are no psychoactive compounds in Vermont Hemp Seed Oil so people of all ages can take it with confidence.

One of the things that separates this oil from the competition is the taste, as we alluded to above. That agreeable taste is no accident. It’s the result of mixing the cold-pressed hemp seed oil with pure Vermont maple syrup. The result is the kind of pleasant taste most people don’t expect from CBD oil. Just be sure that you shake the bottle well before using it.

4. Nutiva Organic Cold-Pressed Unrefined Hemp Oil

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Nutiva Organic Cold-Pressed Unrefined Hemp oil is rich in antioxidants to fight inflammation and oxidative stress. It’s also bursting with beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and completely free of additives and artificial ingredients. This is a highly pure oil that can be used in myriad ways, including on a salad or added to a smoothie.

Nutiva Hemp Oil has a delightful nutty flavor. But don’t let that distract from its health benefits. If you suffer from pain and stiffness due to arthritis or working out, this oil should help. Likewise, if you are beset by chronic skin conditions, give Nutiva Unrefined Hemp Oil a try. Keep in mind too that the company donates 1% of its sales income to support sustainable agricultural initiatives.

5. Absolute Nutrition Hemp Oil

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Absolute Nutrition Hemp Oil is pure, potent, effective and affordable. You can’t really ask for much more than that from this type of product. It’s a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce oxidative stress and it has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the risk of developing numerous chronic conditions.

Those anti-inflammatory properties mean this hemp oil is also likely to reduce the pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout and other inflammation-driven conditions. The best thing is that it does all that without endangering your health, getting you high, or producing adverse side effects. Absolute Nutrition Hemp Oil is also gluten-free and kosher.

6. CBDfx Calming Tincture

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CBDfx Calming Tincture provides an array of antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, terpenes and more to reduce stress, alleviate pain and enable a calm relaxing mindset. The CBD oil here is highly pure and is blended with MCT and coconut oil. You have your choice of potency, with individual bottles providing anywhere from 500mg to 4000mg.

CBDfx combines CBD and CBN cannabinoids that bind to both the mind-centric CB1 receptors and the body-centric CB2 receptors. The result is a CBD oil that touches all the therapeutic bases. Not only will it produce a calm, restorative mindset, but it will also fight inflammation and oxidative stress, bolster skin health and enable the athletically-minded to recover quickly after strenuous activities. If there is a downside here it’s the price, which is among the highest we found.

7. Healeaf Hemp Oil Extract Drops

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Healeaf Hemp Oil Extract Drops is sourced from organically grown hemp that is cold-pressed to produce the highest state of purity. The result is an oil that is rich in antioxidants, contains no artificial ingredients of any kind, is safe for vegans and actually tastes pretty good. If you are looking for a low-impact way to relieve muscle and joint aches, consider Healeaf.

Healeaf Hemp Oil Extract Drops are great for improving mood, reducing stress and helping to create a sense of calm that will let you sleep better. It’s also a good choice for workout fanatics who often suffer from sore, aching muscles because it can help them recover faster. Healeaf contains no psychoactive compounds so there is no chance it will produce a ‘high’ or saddle you with withdrawal symptoms when you stop using it.

8. MM Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil Plus

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Don’t let the ‘Cannabis Sativa’ in the name scare you off. There is no THC or any other type of psychoactive compounds in MM Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil. Instead, what you get is pure cold-pressed oil from the seeds, not the buds of the plant, and a high potency ally in your fight against inflammation and oxidative stress.

Unlike most such products MM Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil is delivered by way of 1000mg capsules. That way, there is no guesswork involved with dosing and you can be sure you’re getting the right amount to address your particular concerns. MM Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil is rich in antioxidants, and also provides a host of vital minerals to ensure muscle and bone health, while at the same time stabilizing mood and reducing the risk of long term chronic conditions.

9. Fab CBD

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Fab has not been around that long. But in their short time in the CBD market they’ve managed to carve themselves out a nice niche, based mostly on the strength of products like their Fab CBD. Fab CBD oil is made from full plant extracts and not just the seeds. This gives it an overall potency some others can’t compete with. If you are in need of serious help with arthritis pain, Fab CBD is a solid choice.

Fab CBD contains only tiny trace amounts of THC that are incapable of producing a ‘high’. The strength of the product is based entirely on its ability to bond with CB receptors in body and brain and alleviate pain, calm the mind, stabilize blood glucose levels and much more. Every batch of Fab CBD is third party tested, vegan friendly and free of GMOs and artificial ingredients.

10. Manitoba Harvest Hemp Seed Oil Softgels

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Most CBD oils are provided either in straight up oil form or in the form of a tincture. Manitoba Harvest takes a different approach with their Hemp Seed Oil Softgels. Each softgel contains an array of beneficial compounds including Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids.

This CBD product is also rich in antioxidants and contains no artificial ingredients of any kind. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and activates CB2 receptors in the brain that promote a sense of tranquility. Manitoba Harvest Hemp Seed Oil is cold-pressed from organically grown North American hemp.


Why Would Someone Use CBD Oil?

The number of potential benefits from the use of CBD is extensive and growing longer with each passing day. For decades the medicinal properties of CBD went unexplored due to narrow-minded laws that made hemp production illegal and equated CBD with THC, the psychotropic compound that gets a person high when they smoke marijuana.

The recent legalization of hemp has caused a surge in research into this product, and what has come to light has been eye-opening to say the least. That research has shown the benefits of CBD include pain relief, relief from mood disorders, the potential prevent of chronic disease, help with skin disorders, the alleviation of side effects from cancer treatment and much more.

CBD is also completely non-addictive, so it can be safely taken by adults of all ages and backgrounds. So why would someone use CBD oil? Because they want to feel better without endangering their health.

What are the Benefits of CBD Oil?

CBD oil contains almost no THC. A lot of people are reluctant to take anything that’s derived from a member of the cannabis family. But CBD oil derived from hemp is not like marijuana because it does not contain the psychotropic compound THC (1) like pot does. As a result, there is no chance a person is going to get high from using CBD oil. No matter how much they take.

CBD oil is non-addictive. We mentioned this already but it bears repeating. The notion that CBD will get a person high or is somehow addictive is simply not true. CBD is a benign substance that activates the endocannabinoid system in the human body. By doing so it provides pain relief and other benefits primarily by calming neurotransmitters and reducing inflammation. Because there are no psychotropic (sometimes referred to as ‘psychoactive’) compounds (2) in CBD there is no chance of it producing an addictive response.

CBD oil is proven safe. Millions of people worldwide now use CBD oil every day. As of this writing there have been no documented cases of CBD oil causing any significant health problems in any of those people. Clinical studies have also demonstrated that CBD is both effective and safe. The only caveat being that people who are currently taking anti-inflammatory drugs or prescription drugs to deal with mood disorders, should discuss the matter with their doctor before taking CBD oil.

CBD oil provides effective pain relief. One of the biggest reasons people are flocking to CBD oil is because of its ability to mitigate pain. Effective, non-addictive pain relief has long been the holy grail of medicine since everyone feels pain at some point in their life. Unfortunately, until now, the most effective substances at providing pain relief (opioids) have also been highly addictive (3). CBD oil has the potential to change that.

CBD oil may be helpful to pre-diabetics. Inflammation is the ultimate mixed blessing. On the one hand, it is an essential component of the body’s mechanism for coping with injury. On the other hand, the inflammatory response often spirals out of control and this can cause myriad health problems, including diabetes. CBD oil is showing tremendous promise as a treatment for diabetes and pre-diabetes due to its ability to stabilize blood glucose levels (4).

CBD oil can reduce anxiety. CBD binds with the endocannabinoid system, which in turn activates receptors in the nervous system and helps alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety. CBD is believed to also support the neurotransmitter anandamide (5) which is commonly known as the ‘bliss molecule’. By preventing the breakdown of anandamide, the brain is naturally predisposed to a calmer, less stressful state.

CBD oil is a potent anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is now believed to play a major role in the development of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, and a slew of other chronic health conditions (6). Much medical research is now focused on finding effective ways to limit or prevent chronic inflammation. CBD oil is one of the most promising methods for doing so.

CBD oil is good for your skin. That ‘slew of other chronic health conditions’ we just mentioned includes skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne. Psoriasis and eczema have a proven connection to inflammation. By reducing inflammation, CBD oil has demonstrated an ability to also reduce the severity of these conditions (7). When it comes to acne, CBD oil limits the secretion of sebum (8), which in turn, can significantly reduce acne outbreaks.

CBD oil is rich in antioxidants. Oxidative stress (9) is a phenomenon whereby unbalanced atoms commonly referred to as ‘free radicals’ (10) move through the body scouring electrons from normal atoms and causing cell death. Heart disease, skin problems, neurological problems and more are all thought to result from oxidative stress. The only effective antidote to free radicals is the antioxidant. And CBD oil is packed with antioxidants.

CBD oil can help those recovering from addiction. Those attempting to recover from alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and other addictions often find the hardest part of staying the course is the dealing with the anxiety that accompanies the early stages of being clean. CBD oil binds with neurotransmitters that help stabilize nervous system function, thereby reducing anxiety. Is CBD by itself a cure for addiction? No. But anything that can make it easier for someone to kick an addiction is a good thing.

CBD oil may help fend off Alzheimer’s disease. Let’s be clear, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s as of this writing. The best ‘treatment’ is prevention, and more is being learned every day about how to prevent the onset of this devastating condition. It is thought that the ‘free radicals’ we mentioned above may attack neurons and thereby contribute to the onset of Alzheimer’s (11). CBD, as we have discussed, fights free radicals. But more intensive study is needed to verify preliminary data regarding any CBD/Alzheimer’s connection.

CBD oil may help those with high blood pressure. Clinical trials are still in their infancy, but the data there is suggests that CBD oil may have a role to play in mitigating high blood pressure (12). The exact mechanism by which CBD provides this benefit is not yet fully understood. But CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties may play a role since research suggests there is a causal relationship between inflammation and high blood pressure (13).

CBD oil is affordable. The cost of healthcare in America has been spiraling out of control for decades. Most experts agree that the best way to reduce the cost of healthcare is prevention. Eating right, exercise, and getting plenty of sleep will all contribute to better overall health. And when health conditions do arise CBD oil may be a cost-effective frontline method of dealing with them. While some CBD oils are not exactly cheap, most have a shelf life of 18-24 months and can be used to address a variety of ailments.

Are There Side Effects to Taking CBD Oil?

Besides having a multitude of health benefits, CBD oil also has the distinction of being virtually side effect free. The worst that is likely to happen is that a person may experience an upset stomach if they take more than the recommended amount. That said, if you are currently taking prescription medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease or other problems, talk to your doctor before taking CBD oil.

Is CBD Oil Legal?

Yes. CBD oil derived from hemp is completely legal in all 50 states. This was not always the case, however. Hemp had been a controlled substance that was the victim of its relationship to its cousin, marijuana. But the Farm Bill of 2018 (14) finally corrected this injustice. And since then production of CBD from hemp has been legal.

Will I Fail a Drug Test at Work if I Take CBD Oil?

The standard 5 panel drug test (15) looks for THC in a person’s system. Because CBD hemp oil contains virtually no THC, it should not cause a person to fail a drug test for work, sports, or any other situation. That said, there are some therapeutic oils on the marker derived from marijuana. And if a person takes one of these it may very well cause a positive result on a standard drug test. Just to be clear, none of the CBD oils on our list are derived from marijuana.

Can CBD oil Help Seniors?

Older folks are deriving a lot of benefits from CBD oil. Maybe the most obvious is that CBD has shown great promise in helping alleviate the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis (16). Many seniors who were previously using medical marijuana to obtain relief from various health problems are now switching to CBD oil because they get the same benefits without the high.

Can I Overdose on CBD oil?

Not in the sense that people think of when they think ‘overdose’. That is, you will not fall into an unconscious state and die. The worst that is likely to happen if you take more than the recommended amount is that you may have an upset stomach, or suffer from a bout of diarrhea. But even these effects are extremely rare. There is one cautionary note that needs to be sounded about CBD tinctures. The alcohol content of these products can be very high (17). So be careful not to overdo it. Also, someone recovering from alcoholism or drug addiction should avoid tinctures.

The Bottom Line

CBD oil is transforming the way people think about treating dozens of common ailments. Whether they suffer from psoriasis, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, migraines or other conditions, CBD oil is becoming the treatment of choice for millions of people.

CBD oil derived from hemp is safe, effective and completely non-addictive. It does not contain any psychoactive compounds that will make a person high and it is legal to purchase and use in all 50 states. Use the above information to help you determine if CBD oil is for you.



Reviewing the Best Pulse Oximeters of 2020

Pulse oximeters make it easy for people suffering from respiratory illness, heart disease and other conditions to obtain a fast, accurate readout of their blood oxygen level. As a result, they are able to make informed decisions about their health.

Today’s pulse oximeters are affordable, compact, lightweight devices that are simple to use, completely portable and produce no side effects. We’ve put dozens of today’s most popular models under the critical microscope and concluded that the following are the best pulse oximeters of 2020.

1. Zacurate 500BL Fingertip Pulse Oximeter

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The Zacurate 500BL embodies everything that’s right with today’s pulse oximeters. It’s light, durable, easy to use, provides an accurate reading in about 10 seconds and costs less than a pair of movie tickets. The screen is large and clear and provides real-time information on blood oxygen levels and pulse rate.

There’s a lanyard clip to attach it to your belt or to anchor it inside your backpack. And it’s designed to fit comfortably over the fingers of anyone 12 years old and up. Unlike some other oximeters, the 500BL comes with 2 AAA batteries so you can put it to work right out of the box. The 1-year warranty and top-notch customer service are just icing on the cake. With no real downsides the 500BL is our top choice.

2. ChoiceMed Pulse Oximeter

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If there were no Zacurate 500BL the ChoiceMed Pulse Oximeter would be an easy #1. It too is light, comfortable, reliable, durable and accurate. In fact, it’s one of the lightest pulse oximeters currently on the market. It also has a reversible readout screen so you do not have to twist your hand around or crane your neck to see your reading.

The ChoiceMed Pulse Oximeter slips over virtually any size finger with ease and returns an accurate reading in about 10 seconds. It comes with its own lanyard so EMTs, hikers, runners and more can bring it along with them wherever they go. The ChoiceMed oximeter comes with 2 AAA batteries and a handsome carrying case with Velcro closure so you can slip it into your carryon bag and take it with you when you start traveling again.

3. SantaMedical Fingertip Pulse Oximeter

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If we were handing out prizes based on looks alone the SantaMedical Fingertip Pulse Oximeter would be the hands-down winner (so to speak). Fortunately, this pulse oximeter is more than just a pretty face. It’s light, fast and accurate and will provide you with your blood oxygen levels (SpO2) and pulse rate in 8-10 seconds.

The LED readout is large and clear and includes a bar graph-style pulse indicator. The included lanyard can be used to sling the device itself, or the handy carrying case, so you can take it wherever you go. At 2.4 ounces it’s one of the lightest oximeters on the market, and it comes with 2 AAA batteries so you can put it right to work. This pulse oximeter from SantaMedical is recommended for those 10 and up and has a 1-year manufacturer’s warranty.

4. Faceil Pulse Oximeter

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The Faceil Pulse Oximeter has a sleek, agreeable look to it that is an accurate reflection of its simple, reliable operation. At 2.4 ounces the Faceil is light enough for seniors and kids. The OLED display is a step up from the standard LED display in some ways, and produces big bold numbers that are easily read.

The device provides blood oxygen levels (SpO2) along with both heart rate and the strength of your pulse in about 8 seconds. It’s comfortable, extremely easy to use with one button operation, and comes with its own lanyard for easy transport. The device clips on easily and stays in place with little encouragement. Comes with 2 AAA batteries, though it’s missing a carrying case for some reason.

5. AccuMed CMS-50DL Pulse Oximeter

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AccuMed tosses their hat into the pulse oximeter ring with their outstanding CMS-50DL. The CMS-50DL is not going to win any design awards, but it does what it’s supposed to do reliably and accurately time after time. You get both SpO2 and pulse measurements in 8-10 seconds.

The information is displayed on a large, easy to read screen. The device slips easily over most fingers, is comfortable, and won’t slip off as long as you stay still. The CMS-50DL shuts off automatically after a minute in order to conserve battery power. It has a lanyard and carrying case so you can take it anywhere and 2 AAA batteries are included.

6. Mibest OLED Finger Pulse Oximeter

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The Mibest OLED Pulse Oximeter has a sleek, contemporary feel and features one of the most user-friendly displays on the market. That OLED display offers 10 brightness settings and changes orientation as you move the device around. As such, it’s always displaying its info in a way you can read it, like a smartphone.

That information includes blood oxygen levels and pulse rate, along with battery level and relative pulse strength. The Mibest OLED Pulse Oximeter is also one of the few oximeters that offers you a range of color options. There’s also a pressure bar that makes for effortless opening, and a lanyard is included for easy transport.

7. SantaMedical Deluxe SM-110 Pulse Oximeter

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SantaMedical earns a second spot on our list with their Deluxe SM-110 Pulse Oximeter. While it doesn’t have the forward-leaning design of their other Fingertip Pulse Oximeter (see above), it nonetheless secures its place with its big, easy to read display that flips so you can always get an easy reading.

It slips comfortably over the finger and produces the information you need in around 10 seconds. It’s a bit heavier than its sibling, but at just over 3 ounces it’s nothing worth complaining about. The SM-110 comes with 2 AAA batteries, a handsome carrying case and, best of all, a 2-year manufacturer’s warranty.

8. Metene Pulse Oximeter

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If you’re into minimalist design the Metene Pulse Oximeter should appeal to you. It touches all the bases a great pulse oximeter should touch with fast, accurate output and a large, easy to read screen. That screen displays SpO2 levels and heart rate in 8-10 seconds in most cases. The device weighs a feather-like 2.4 ounces and comes with a lanyard for easy carrying.

The Metene Pulse Oximeter fits comfortably over most fingers, stays in place while it’s gathering information and shuts off automatically if you forget to turn it off yourself. It comes with 2 AAA batteries, but for some reason there is no carrying case.

9. FaceLake FL400 Pulse Oximeter

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The FaceLake FL400 is a simple, no frills pulse oximeter that’s a good choice for the budget conscious. It’s not the slickest looking pulse oximeter on the market but it returns important information quickly and accurately. And that’s what it’s all about.

The FL400 is well-made, very durable, reasonably lightweight and small enough to take anywhere. The display is basic but large and easy for most to read even in low-light conditions. Unlike some of its more expensive competitors, the FL400 comes with a nifty carrying case and features a full 1-year manufacturer’s warranty on workmanship.

10. Innovo Deluxe iP900AP Pulse Oximeter

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The final pulse oximeter on our list is the iP900AP from Innovo. If there can be such a thing as a ‘deluxe’ pulse oximeter, this would have to be it. Where most oximeters provide simple SpO2 level and heart rate info the iP900AP goes the extra mile with both plethysmograph and perfusion index readouts to complement the standard SpO2 and HR data.

The plethysmograph indicates changes in blood volume, while the perfusion index indicates the strength of a person’s pulse at the place where the reading is taken. This additional information can be especially useful to those with heart disease. Although climbers and aviators will also likely benefit. The iP900AP comes with a lanyard and 2 AAA batteries, though there is no carrying case. It’s also a bit more expensive than some competitors.


What Is a Pulse Oximeter?

A pulse oximeter is a small device that slips over the tip of the finger and measures how much oxygen is in a person’s blood. There are oximeters that fit over other body parts such as earlobes, but the fingertip oximeter is by far the most popular type. The pulse oximeter is used by heart patients, athletes, people taking certain types of medication, people with sleep apnea (1), and many others.

How Does a Pulse Oximeter Work?

The pulse oximeter sends a beam of light into the fingertip. This beam of light assesses the color of the blood. Blood with a rich red hue is well-oxygenated. If the color of the blood is purplish that indicates less oxygen. And if the blood is bluish that indicates a low level of oxygen in the blood. The algorithm within the pulse oximeter has already assigned specific values to specific colors on the color spectrum. So when the light detects a specific shade of, say, purple, the oximeter displays the predetermined value for that color.

Is a Pulse Oximeter Accurate?

Measuring oxygen levels by the color of the blood is not quite as accurate as drawing blood and submitting it directly to a machine to check its oxygen levels. But color is a more accurate measuring stick than most people realize. The best commercially available pulse oximeters are considered to be accurate with about 2% of what the actual oxygen content of the blood is. That said, if you need the most accurate reading possible you should always go to your doctor and have them conduct a blood gas test (2).

What are the Benefits of a Pulse Oximeter?

A pulse oximeter helps people reduce time tethered to the tank. There are numerous conditions that call for the use of supplemental oxygen at home (3). But, until recently, people were often tethered to the oxygen tank all day every day. That’s because there was no way for them to monitor their blood oxygen levels so that they’d only use the oxygen when it was really needed. Now there is. The pulse oximeter provides an easy way for a person to determine if it’s time to use the oxygen tank.

A pulse oximeter can help you measure physical performance. Exercise is important regardless of your age. But it’s not always easy to figure out if you’re getting any benefit from the exercise you’re doing. A pulse oximeter can help. Raising blood oxygen levels is a key component of effective exercise (4). The pulse oximeter can let you know how you’re doing and whether you need to adjust your exercise routine in order to optimize results.

A pulse oximeter is useful for those with asthma. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), some 25 million Americans have asthma (5). It can be extremely useful for these folks to track their blood oxygen levels. A pulse oximeter can allow them to do that with a high degree of accuracy. By tracking blood oxygen levels and sharing the information with their doctor they can help the doctor fine-tune their treatment.

A pulse oximeter helps monitor sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is no joke. It played a role in the death of Star Wars actress Carrie Fisher (6) as well as thousands of other Americans every year. Some of those with sleep apnea use what are known as CPAP machines (7) which help keep their airways open at night. With a pulse oximeter, these folks can keep track of their blood oxygen levels in order to ensure their CPAP therapy is working as intended.

A pulse oximeter can be useful for pilots. Pilots, especially those that fly small, unpressurized planes, often flirt with dangerously thin air. It’s crucial that they are able to stay awake and alert at all times and a pulse oximeter can help them do that. Pilots need to make sure their blood oxygen does not fall below 90% of normal. If it does they could become confused and disoriented, or even pass out. Having a pulse oximeter in the cockpit at all times is a smart thing to do.

A pulse oximeter is a good tool to take hiking. Pilots are not the only ones who spend time in thin air. Mountain climbers often wind up in air so thin that there is precious little oxygen to breath. This often results in a phenomenon called ‘altitude sickness’ (8) and it typically begins to affect people around 10,000 feet above sea level. (Some, however, may feel the effects at lower altitude, and others not at all.) Having a pulse oximeter in your backpack can help you determine when your blood oxygen is getting dangerously low so you can turn around or hook up the supplemental oxygen.

A pulse oximeter can help you fend off drug side effects. Numerous medications have the unfortunate habit of interfering with respiratory function. Perhaps most notably those used to treat rheumatoid arthritis (9). It’s important that people in danger of suffering drug-induced lung problems be able to monitor their condition in real time. A pulse oximeter is a great way for them to keep an eye on pulmonary function so that they can maximize the benefits of their treatment and minimize problems.

Pulse oximeters are non-invasive. Having your doctor conduct a blood gas test to determine your blood oxygen levels will no doubt provide you with the most accurate possible reading. But it will also require your doctor to stick you with a needle to draw blood. A pulse oximeter will provide you with a reading that is only 2 or 3 percent less accurate and it will not require that you subject yourself to a needle.

Pulse oximeters are portable. The best pulse oximeters weigh only a few ounces and are small enough to easily slip into your work or school backpack, purse, fanny pack or those leg pockets on your cargo pants. As such, you can take them anywhere you want, including on an airplane. So next time you’re heading out for a weekend of backpacking or you’re flying out on a business trip or vacation, remember to take your pulse oximeter.

A pulse oximeter is useful for those with COPD. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD (10), is the result of chronic inflammation which obstructs the normal flow of air into and out of the lungs. People with COPD have difficulty breathing and tend to cough and wheeze quite a bit. COPD has many causes, including cigarettes and air pollution. For those with COPD who use an inhaler to help keep their airways open, a pulse oximeter can tell them whether the inhaler is effective or not.

Pulse oximeters help EMTs make accurate assessments. When an EMT arrives at the scene of an accident or at the home of someone in distress they need to make a fast, accurate assessment of the situation. Wasted minutes could mean lives. The pulse oximeter is a fast, easy way to get a handle on the situation, stabilize the person in need, and get them on their way to the hospital quickly and safely.

Anyone can use a pulse oximeter. The pulse oximeter is incredibly easy to use. For that reason, it’s a good idea for the elderly, kids with asthma, athletes and more to have one on hand at all times. Some, not all, pulse oximeters can read blood pressure too. So they’re perfect for those suffering from hypertension as well. Just switch the device on, place it over the end of your finger and within about 10 seconds you have your reading.

Pulse oximeters still work when the power goes out. People don’t stop having asthma, or COPD, or heart disease when the power goes out. They still need to monitor their health no matter what is going on with the grid. Fortunately, pulse oximeters are battery-driven. So even in the case of a prolonged blackout caused by a natural disaster a person in need can still monitor and maintain their health.

Pulse oximeters are cost-effective. The first devices that would lead to the modern pulse oximeters appeared in the 1970s and were the brainchild of Japanese researcher Takuo Aoyagi (11). Those early devices were enormous and cost tens of thousands of dollars. Fast forward 50 years to the digital age and we have the modern pulse oximeter that fits on the tip of your finger and costs less than a pair of blue jeans.

Are There Things That Can Affect the Accuracy of a Pulse Oximeter?

There are a few things you should be aware of that could affect the readout of a pulse oximeter. The first is cold hands. In the cold weather months you should take your readings in a warm environment if possible, and give your hands a few minutes to warm up before doing so. Nail polish can also interfere with pulse oximeter readings, as can false nails. Also, always make sure the finger you are placing in the oximeter is lower to the ground than your heart.

Will a Pulse Oximeter Alert Me to a Heart Attack?

A pulse oximeter can alert a person that a heart attack is underway. And it can indicate that you are entering dangerous territory with regards to your blood oxygen levels. But it is not a predictive tool. You can’t put it over your finger and determine that in 10 minutes you’re going to suffer a heart attack. Heart attacks are like earthquakes. The risk factors are well understood, so it’s possible to say that one will likely occur in the future. But nailing down exactly when it might happen is nearly impossible.

The Bottom Line

The pulse oximeter is a simple, effective way to determine the level of oxygen in a person’s blood at any given time. This is important for people with asthma, chronic bronchitis, heart disease and numerous other conditions.

Pulse oximeters are affordable, compact, can be taken anywhere and don’t need to be plugged in. They can also be effectively used by people from 8 to 98. If you or a loved one suffer from respiratory distress, or a condition that affects the cardiopulmonary system, consider getting a pulse oximeter.



Reviewing the Best Glucose Meters of 2020

A glucose meter is a compact medical device that is used to determine the amount of glucose in a person’s blood at any given time.

Glucose meters have been available for home use since 1981. They are primarily used by diabetics to gain control over their condition, but are also used by people with non-diabetic hypoglycemia.

Glucose meters work in concert with test strips which are designed to accept a small blood sample. Once the blood sample is placed on the strip a complex chemical reaction occurs that is interpreted by the meter to determine the level of glucose in the blood.

Our product review team put dozens of today’s most popular meters to the test. The result of their efforts is the following list of the 10 best glucose meters of 2020.

1. Contour Next One Smart Meter

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Contour makes some of the most highly regarded glucose meters on the market today and their Next One Smart Meter is the cream of the crop. This is a highly accurate meter that routinely produces readings that are as much as 50% more accurate than many other meters. The SmartLight range indicator lets you know if your blood glucose is within your desired range. And the meter can be synced via Bluetooth to the company’s smartphone app.

There are handy reminder alarms, the ability to save your average pre and post meal glucose levels extending out to a month, and you have up to 60 seconds to apply more blood to the strip if necessary. That way you can save time and cut down on waste. There is no coding required for this meter. And you typically get your results in less than five seconds. Toss in the incredibly affordable price point and you have an outstanding overall value and our #1 pick.

2. Prodigy Autocode Talking Blood Glucose Meter

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An unfortunate reality is that diabetes often costs people their vision. When that happens they typically become dependent on others to read their blood glucose meters for them. Not anymore. The Prodigy Autocode Talking Blood Glucose Meter earns a high position on our list for addressing this pressing issue and doing so effectively in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.

The Autocode Talking Glucose Meter returns highly accurate results in six seconds or less, does not require any coding and has a large easy to read screen for those with compromised vision. The Autocode meter also enables alternative testing sites including the forearm, thigh, calf and upper arm. There is also a repeat button that allows you to audibly replay the last test result and it stores audio records of the previous 450 tests.

3. One Touch Ultra2 Glucose Meter Kit

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The One Touch Ultra2 Glucose Meter Kit is extremely popular for a number of good reasons. It delivers some of the most accurate results of any commercial glucose meter, typically in less than five seconds. It displays those results on a large, easy to read screen, and it can store up to 500 test results so you can identify trends and adjust your diabetes self care accordingly.

The Ultra2 provides before and after meal blood sugar averages so you can determine which foods are causing problems and which are not. Operation of the device could not be simpler with no coding required and the included batteries typically last six months to a year. If there is a downside it’s that test strips are not part of the kit. Beyond that minor quibble though, the meter itself is a compact, dependable joy to use.

4. DSS Precision Blood Glucose Meter Kit

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The DSS Precision Xtra Blood Glucose Meter Kit enables you to travel anywhere and everywhere with confidence. The kit comes with everything you need (with the notable exception of test strips) including lancets, a lancing device, two batteries and a handy carrying case. The readout is large and clear which makes it a good choice for seniors, and you can download your results to your computer for later analysis.

We like the way this meter sits in the hand. It’s very comfortable and secure. The display screen is backlit so you’re not straining to see the results at night. And you need only .6 ul of blood to obtain an accurate result. Set up is fast and simple and results are typically returned in five seconds or less.

5. True Metrix Self Monitoring Blood Glucose Meter

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The True Metrix Self Monitoring Glucose Meter is easy to set up, easy to use, dependable, affordable and compact. It hits all the right notes for a blood glucose meter kit. Which means that, unlike some other kits, it includes test strips. The True Metrix meter can be synced to your smartphone where you can take advantage of the company’s mobile app. That app stores up to three months of readings and collates the data so you can see trends and respond accordingly.

The screen on the True Metrix meter is large and clear. The included strips are very sensitive and require only a tiny drop of blood. There is a log book included for those who like to manually record their results. And the handy carrying case is a step above some others.

6. Accu Chek Performa Blood Glucose Meter

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There is a lot to like about the Accu Chek Performa Blood Glucose Meter including the fact that it automatically rejects expired strips, that it offers multiple reminders and that it shuts off automatically after two minutes. But that’s not all. It also comes with 10 strips to get you started, and those strips are larger and easier to handle than most others. It also returns accurate results in five seconds or less.

The all-important display is large and easy to read. The meter will power up automatically when a strip is inserted, which is important if you are in something of a blood sugar haze. And it only requires a tiny blood sample to work. The meter stores hundreds of previous readings along with the date and time of those readings, so you can identify potential problems and trends. As a final cherry on the cake the carrying case is one of the best out there.

7. GE100 Blood Glucose Monitoring System

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You would expect a technological powerhouse like GE to produce an outstanding blood glucose meter and they do not disappoint. The GE100 Blood Glucose Monitoring System is simple, effective, offers auto coding and returns accurate readings in five seconds or less. The meter is light and comfortable, the readout is big and bold and the strips need only a tiny amount of blood to do their work.

The meter stores hundreds of readings and provides 1, 7, 14, 30 and 90 day averages to help you better understand how your body is reacting to diet and lifestyle choices. This can help you refine your treatment regimen and more effectively stave off potential diabetes-related complications. If there’s a downside it’s that those highly effective GE test strips are not included.

8. MGLSDeet Glucoleader Blood Glucose Meter

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The MGLSDeet Glucoleader Blood Glucose Meter provides accurate readings in about eight seconds. The kit comes with everything you need to stay on top of your blood glucose situation. There are 50 test strips, 50 lancets, a lancing device and a convenient case for carrying what you need wherever you go. The display screen is large and easy to read, which is a big plus for seniors and diabetics beset by vision problems.

There are audible alerts for both high and low blood sugar. The strips require only 1 ul of blood to get an accurate reading. Under normal circumstances the battery should last a couple of years and the device itself is guaranteed for 18 months. If you are searching for a simple, affordable, reliable glucose meter you can’t really lose with the Glucoleader Blood Glucose Meter from MGLSDeet.

9. FORA G30a Blood Glucose Meter

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The Fora G30a Blood Glucose Meter is extremely user-friendly. From it’s comfortable, easy to hold profile, to the fact that it does not require coding, and the fast (five seconds), accurate results it makes keeping track of blood sugars a relative breeze. The instructions that come with the meter are clear and simple but in reality, operation is so intuitive that you may not even need them.

The G30a has one of the smallest sample requirements of any major glucose monitor at .5 ul. And the results typically come in less than 10% off of the actual value. Which, if you know glucose meters, is pretty impressive. Keep in mind, however, that this is not a kit. It’s a meter-only. An excellent meter, but a meter only. You will need to purchase lancets and strips separately.

10. Diathrive Blood Sugar Test Kit

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The Diathrive Blood Sugar Test Kit includes a state of the art meter, 50 test strips, lancets and a handsome carrying case. The meter itself is one of the fastest on the market, returning results in most cases in just four seconds. In addition, only .4 ul of blood is required to obtain that fast accurate results. That tiny amount is again among the industry leaders.

The Diathrive Meter stores up to 300 test results and provides you with averages, along with the time and date of each reading. There is no coding required for this meter either, and the fact that the kit includes 100 test strips is going to be music to a lot of people’s ears.


What Is Glucose Meter?

A glucose meter is a compact medical device that enables the user to get an accurate reading of the amount of glucose (1) in their blood at a given time. It is used by people with diabetes to gauge whether or not they need to eat or need to take insulin. Diabetics may also use it to determine whether it is safe to exercise. Glucose meters were first marketed for home use in the early 1980s and have been in widespread use for some 30 years.

People with hypoglycemia (2), or low blood sugar, may also use a glucose meter. While hypoglycemia most often occurs in relation to diabetes, it may also appear in non-diabetics due to certain medications, kidney failure, excess alcohol consumption and other causes.

What are the Benefits of a Glucose Meter?

Glucose meters help diabetics regain control. – According to the CDC 10% of Americans are diabetic and one out of every three adults is considered ‘prediabetic (3)’. That’s 122 million Americans who either have diabetes or are in danger of developing it. These folks need a way to get control over their situation before out of control blood sugars lead to serious complications. Blood glucose meters give them a safe, effective, affordable way to do that.

A glucose meter provides real time information. – One of the many great things about blood glucose meters is that they give you an accurate picture of the state of your blood sugar right now. That enables you to make safe, productive decisions regarding how you should proceed. If you need to take insulin you can be sure you’re taking the right amount. If you are physically active it’s also important to know your blood glucose level before you work out (4). If it’s too high you should wait.

Glucose meters are reasonably accurate. – The accuracy of a glucose meter is dependent in large part on the quality of the test strip being used (5). If the strip and the meter come from the same manufacturer the glucose meter will typically provide a reading that is within 10-15% of the actual value. That might seem like a big range, but for all practical purposes it is close enough for you to get a good idea of the state of your blood sugars and to formulate a proper response.

A glucose meter is affordable. – When you consider how important they are and how much these compact pieces of healthcare tech can help improve the quality of life for diabetics, they are remarkably affordable. For less than the cost of a single meal in a decent restaurant you can monitor your blood sugar levels wherever you are at any time of the day or night. To top it off, Medicare will cover much of the cost of both the meter and strips for older folks. And many insurance companies do the same for everyone else.

A glucose meter is portable. – Most of today’s best glucose meters will slip easily into your pocket or purse. They weigh only a few ounces and can easily be carried around all day by anyone from young kids with type 1 diabetes (6) to grandparents who have been recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (7). Anyone used to carrying around one of today’s smartphones will find a glucose meter to be much smaller and lighter by comparison.

Glucose meters are readily available. – You do not need a prescription to buy a glucose meter. You do not need to order them from some obscure company in a country you never heard of. You can buy them at any brick and mortar pharmacy, most brick and mortar big box stores and via hundreds of online retailers. Of course, if you plan to buy online you should only purchase from a reputable source such as amazon. And even then go to the manufacturer’s Amazon shop to be sure you’re getting the real thing.

A glucose meter helps ensure long-term health. – The potential long-term effects of diabetes are no joke (8) and include serious eye problems, hard to control infections, nerve damage, kidney damage and more. The best way to ensure you prevent as many of these potential complications as possible is to keep a close eye on your blood glucose levels. A glucose meter is a safe, affordable, reliable way to do just that.

Glucose meters are easy to use. – Using a blood glucose meter is easy and can be mastered in short order by virtually anyone. Just make sure your hands are as clean as possible before taking a blood sample, since dirt, grime or sweat may foul the results. (It’s a good idea to carry moist towelettes with you in case you are not near a sink when you need to test your blood.) Once you are sure your hands are clean simply prick your finger with a fresh lancet and squeeze the resulting drop of blood onto a strip inserted into the meter. Your result will be displayed in just a few seconds.

Glucose meters are TSA safe. – Diabetics who travel will have no problem bringing their glucose meter along with them wherever they go. According to the official TSA website glucose meters can be carried in either checked or carry-on baggage with no problem (9). You may, however, want to inform the TSA agent that you are diabetic and that you are carrying a meter, lancets, strips, insulin and other necessary paraphernalia.

Does Medicare Cover the Cost of a Glucose Meter?

Medicare Part B does cover blood glucose meters, as well as test strips, glucose sensors, lancets and more for those diagnosed as diabetic. The individual pays 20% of the Medicare approved cost of such a device (10). This means the individual will also be responsible to cover anything over the Medicare-approved cost. For instance, if the meter you want is $40 and the Medicare approved amount is $25 you would be responsible for 20% of $25, or $5, plus anything over $25. In the case of our example that would be an additional $15. Because the government is constantly adjusting the Medicare-approved cost of items, make sure you check with the agency before purchasing your glucose meter.

What is Gestational Diabetes?

According to the CDC between two and ten percent of pregnant women in the US develop what is known as gestational diabetes (11) while pregnant. Symptoms of this phenomenon include blurry vision, fatigue, frequent urination, and seemingly unquenchable thirst. Because of this many doctors recommend that pregnant women get a blood glucose meter and keep track of their blood sugar levels while pregnant.

The presence of gestational diabetes does not necessarily indicate that you were diabetic before becoming pregnant. And in most cases, gestational diabetes will go away after childbirth. However, in some cases, women with gestational diabetes may need to take insulin to control their blood sugars while pregnant. Also, if gestational diabetes is detected and not properly managed, it can have a negative impact on the baby’s health and slightly increase the risk that the baby will develop diabetes.

How Long Does a Glucose Meter Last?

Today’s glucose meters are dependable, accurate and durable. But they won’t last forever. Typically, you should consider replacing your blood glucose meter every couple of years to make sure you are always getting the most accurate results possible. If you have concerns about the accuracy of your meter, bring it with you next time you see your doctor. Have him or her run a blood sugar test and do one using your glucose meter at the same time. If the reading you get from your meter is within 15% of the result your doctor gets, your meter should be considered accurate.

Do All Glucose Meters Work With All Test Strips?

Unfortunately, most test strips are designed to work only with the same brand of blood glucose meter. So for instance, Accu Chek test strips are designed to work with Accu Chek meters. If you are in a pinch and you cannot get your hands on the brand-specific test strips you need you can try using another brand. But there is no way to guarantee the accuracy of the reading.

There has been a movement in recent years to develop an accurate, dependable generic test strip that will work with all the most popular meters. And some progress has been made on that front. Still, most generic strips only work with a single ‘family’ of meters, or with a select few meters from different manufacturers. If you want to go the generic test strip route make sure you read the fine print carefully to see if the strips you have your eye on will work with your meter.

The Bottom Line

A glucose meter is an indispensable tool in the fight against diabetes and has improved the quality of life for millions of people worldwide. The glucose meter provides real-time information that can be used to successfully maintain blood glucose levels in a preferable range, thereby warding off some of the potential complications of diabetes and hypoglycemia.

Today’s best glucose meters are compact, dependable, durable and affordable. They are easy to use, do not require special training and can be obtained from both brick and mortar and online outlets without a prescription. Most insurance policies will cover some or most of the cost of blood glucose meters as will Medicaid.

The blood glucose meters on our list have proven themselves in rigorous testing to be the best the contemporary market has to offer. Any one of them will help you obtain the information you need to make informed decisions regarding your health.

